Candy Professional

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When she clicked on top of the toy's head, her drawing became real! She took it and saw that the inner part was squishy, she took a bit of it then tasted it and it was as sweet as candy but it was not. She decided to go to the candy professional who knew all types of candy and sweets and he was the only one that had an electronic device.

So the next day after breakfast which consisted of pancakes and cotton candy she went to the candy professional with her drawing that became real. When she reached she gave it to him and when he tasted it he asked where she got it from and she told him the whole story. After hearing the story he took out his device and did a search for “green thing with a big brown seed in the middle" and after doing some research he told her that it was called an “avocado" and that it was not a candy but a fruit.

Liya thanked the candy professional and went home with a lot going through her mind, while she was walking home she tried to eat the seed but because it was too hard she threw it on the ground and then she ate the inner part happily and when she tried to eat the outer part she found it too bitter so she threw it in the trash can she went home and ate her dinner which consisted of cake and jellybeans then she went to sleep.

The next day when she woke up she went to her desk and took out the avocado pen and her book and took the colour orange in the pen and drew a long triangle and when she clicked the pen her drawing became real, she was shocked as she did not know what it was and after breakfast which consisted of chocolate chips and and cookies she went to the candy professional with her orange triangle and when she reached , the candy professional told her about all the research that he has done on fruits and that there are many more than just avocados.

After he told her about the different types of fruits she was impressed then she remembered the orange triangle that she brought with her and asked him about it when he examined it and was sure that it was not a candy he took his device and did research an orange triangle fruit and after some research he told Liya that it was called a carrot and that it was not a candy nor a fruit but it was a vegetable.

Liya thanked him and left with the carrot, while she was walking home she ate the carrot happily as it was not too sweet and she was happy with that. When she went home she ate her dinner which consisted of cotton candy and gummy bears and then she went to sleep.

♡Thanks for reading Chapter 2 and hope you liked it.

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