School Blues

147 3 2

The guys on the side are Trevor's friends. 

Top left - Sam

Top right - Cameron

Bottom - Bradley

Hope you enjoy it!


"Class dismissed."

Slinging my backpack over my right shoulder, I speed walk out the door, and look down at the map the guidance counselor gave me. 

Some counselor.

I look up as I find my locker, and bump into someone's hard, toned chest. As I stumble backwards, I look at the person and mumble a quick, "Sorry." Trying to walk past him, I gasp as he grabs my air, pulling me back. He slams me into the locker and leans down.

"Watch where you're going next time, babe."

He releases his grip, and winks at me, walking away in the other direction. 


My eyes stare him down as he meets up with his posse. They walk in the opposite direction, and I stand there frozen.

What the fuck just happened?


The final bell rang, and I gather my materials, ready to go home. As I turn the corner, I freeze in place.

There stands Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome. 

He's leaning against the wall, laughing at something his friend said. Taking in a puff of his cigarette, he throws the butt on the hallway floor, and stomps it out.

My eyes rake over his body.


Nice biceps.

Toned everything.

I guess he notices me staring, because the next thing I here is, "Enjoying yourself babe?"

My eyes flicker back up to his own, and he's standing less than ten feet away from me, smirking. His friends aren't far behind. A blush creeps onto my lips.

"Umm, I was..I lock..-"

"Look boys. She's already nervous around me." He smirks again, and this time I want to slap it off his face. 

"I was trying to get to my locker. Which you're standing right in front of, by the way." I sassily remark. His eyebrows raise, and he chuckles. 

"I don't get what the fuck's so funny about me trying to get my things," I snap. This time, he laughs along with his cocky friends. 

"I'll let you get to your locker is you tell me your name."

I roll my eyes. I'm so done with this shit.

"Move. Now." I push his side, and he stumbles a little to the left. His eyes turn a dark shade of brown.

Next thing I know, I'm in the same position as I was this morning.


"You just made a big mistake, babe." 

"My name's Abigail," I say quietly.

He unhands me, and looks at me, puzzled. "What?"

"Abigail. My name's Abigail." He keeps his eyes on me while I put in the combination. Grabbing the appropriate binders, I slam my locker shut, and walk away.

I hear footsteps behind me, but I don't turn around. A hand touches my waist, an pulls me into them. 

"What now?"

He smiles at me in a cocky way. "Trevor. I'm Trevor." 

He kisses my cheek, and walks away. 

As I see him  walk away, my hand reaches up and touches the cheek he kissed. 

His lips were so soft.

I swear. 

That dude has more mood swings than I do when I'm on my period. 

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