what to learn

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Moving water never stales , that's why human beings should move on

Fire grows no matter what the host, humans should adapt in the same way

The land never discriminates beetween the people that live upon it, we must do the same

Wind blows and stops at nothing, we too must never stop

Lightening is so fast that it can't be stopped , we must do the same

Water has no form so it adapts where it is , it becomes where it is , we humans should adapt too

Ants even though strong , work in absolute synchronisation , we should do the same

A dog is always faithful to it's master , we too should be faithful to our world .

Even though the scent of sandalwood attract snakes , it never stops giving out the sent not does it ever become poisonous as the snakes surrounding it , we should do the same .
There is no end to learning just learn to live

During our live we learn many things some important some not so much , but the main thing is to learn

So learn, my friends

Always stay curious , but never annoying .

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