Chapter 2(Rewritten)

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Luke's Pov.

After Liv and I found out about her pregnancy she asked if she could stay the night because she didn't want to face her mother yet. I totally understand that because if I were in Olivia's position I would be more then scared to face my Mum after finding out. I quickly shot a text my Mum's way and she said she would be more then happy to have Liv stay over tonight. Liv texted her Mum as well telling her that we had a project to work on, and she was okay with the fact that Liv was staying over.

So everything's okay for now. Liv and I were currently in my bedroom laying on my bed. We were both on our backs staring at the ceiling of my bedroom.  We haven't talked in a while and I was about to break the silence when Liv spoke up.

"Luke what am I going to do? Josh is a dick and I don't want him to be near my baby, my baby is going to grow up fatherless."Liv whispered and I looked over to her to see she had tears running down her face. I turned onto my side and brought Liv into a somewhat hug but it was more like a cuddle considering we were laying down.

"Everything is going to be fine Liv, sure your baby won't have a Dad but many people grew up without having their Dad's in their life's and they turned out perfectly fine. You don't need that over glorified sperm donor."I insured and she only cried harder.

"Luke I know but I want my kid to grow up happy I know how hard it is to grow up without a Dad. I don't want my kid to go through that. After my Dad left my brother, Mum and I were crushed."Olivia cried harder as I rubbed her back and kissed her head.

"Olivia this baby doesn't need that dick of a man, its better of without that cheating bastard and you're not doing this alone I can insure you that."I promised and Olivia pulled away from me pulling a confused face.

"What do you mean?"She asked with furrowed brows and I smiled at her.

"I mean you're not doing this alone Liv, I'm not about to leave and I'm positive the boys aren't either. They'll be more than excited to know they'll be uncles. I know I was." I smiled at her and she smiled small.

"Luke you're seriously the best."She smiled widely and attacked me into a bone crushing hug .

"You don't have to point out the obvious Liv."I joked and she rolled her eyes at me.

"Conceited much."She laughed and I shrugged.

"Only for you."I smirked and she just rolled her eyes at me.

"You're something, Luke Hemmings."She giggled and I smiled.

"So are you Olivia Hart."I smiled back.

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