metting jim

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It was a cold night in Manhattan my mom was "out" again. I sat on the fire escape out side my room and lit a cigarette. I took a nice long puff I closed my eyes and exhaled. I heard the ladder to the fire escape rattle. I just shrugged and took another puff. Then a boy appeared "hi" I said with a smile "hey what's up" he said with a slight smirk he looked like a nice guy "just puffin a cigg" I said as I exhaled smoke he nodded and said "do you live here" "yup I do one year in this apartment" he nodded and said "its wired I never seen you around here cause I live below you"

"That's cause I have no friends I just stay here or play basketball" he looked suprised for a minute. "The names Jim" he said with a smile "Jessica call me jess tho" he shivered I thrue my smoke off the fire escape then I guesterd for him to come in. "You sure" he said with a uneasy look on his face. I nodded and said "yep no ones home except for me" he chukled then he craweld in my window. We sat on my bed then he asked "so where's your parents" I looked at him and said "you really wanna know?" "Sure why not" he said with a smirk I took a deep breath and said "well my moms a alcoholic and she is gone all the time who knows what else she does now and I never met my dad" he looked around then he spoke up and said "well if you ever get bored or lonely you can come down the ladder and my room is right there just like yours" he said gesturing to my window "same to you" I said he smiled and said "well I better get going now but thanks for letting me come in and talk with you your really cool we should Hang out sometime" "yes I would love to" I said with a smile "and remember what I said if you get bored or something just knock on the window" I nodded I opened the window he crawled out "bye jess" he said "bye Jim" I said with a smile and with that he went down the ladder. I smiled to myself and thought his eyes where beautiful ocean blue. I laughed at the thought of that and layed down in my bed and went to sleep

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