"Charles, Charles............
      Are you there ? Charles !!! "

She roams here and there searching for him. And moves to the other side. Abel enters and says cold storage. He starts searching her and goes to the opposite side of her. Roaming here and there she again calls out to him.

" Charles , Charles........

She come across Abel and says you here ? He says that's my question, I want to ask you what are you doing here ? For changing the topic, She asks are you following me ? He says yes ! I was following you, now will you answer me what are you doing here ?

The watchman comes there and sees a lady's bag on his chair. He  clicks a picture on his phone and sends it to a private number named as Sir. He calls him and informs that the girl is here. His boss turn out to be Charles, who asks him to lock the door from outside. The watch man agrees  and disconnects the call and does the same. He locks the door from outside. And walk away.

There Abel hears some sound and takes Sarah aside to hide themselves. They have an eye lock. After a few minutes they come out. He asks her what's the matter ? Why did she lie ? She hesitates at first, then reveals the matter about the threat call, about Charles knowing him, 24 × 7 hour watch, flirting, blackmailing and every single detail. He says you should have informed me, I would have arranged some thing. She says you still came here, unknowingly and smiles to calm him down. He says don't pass this sweet smile to melt me, now let's go before it's too late, come. It might his plot. They run and try to open the door but is unable to. They both see each other, she speaks Abel you are right, it was his plan. He says nice, very nice it's all because of you, we are here, locked. She asks because of me ? What did I do ? How can you say that ? He adds, you are asking as if you don't know. You didn't inform me about the threat call, you shouldn't have done that, you should have informed me. It was all your fault. Oh, it is my fault, right. Who told you to come here, follow me, did I ? No. She goes and sits on the floor and also asks him to stop complaining, sit down quietly and wait until someone opens the door. He sees her and then sits opposite to her such that they both are facing each other.

Charles says my plan is to kill you but not directly, I will kill you by making you suffer in the cold.

They both sit quietly playing hide and seek with their eyes.

Charles asks his man to raise the temperature. The man agrees and decreases 5 units.

Sarah feels cold, so she wrap her arms around her self. Abel sees her and feels guilty for blaming her. He asks her to come and sit on the dry grass, it gives some heat. She says no need she can manage.

Charles asks his man to make her suffer more, I want to see her in pain. Raise the temperature more. The man asks how much ? The least, err, last unit. The man says but sir,....
He asks want money or not ? If yes, then do as I say. The man says yes and disconnects the call. He keeps the temperature least saying I can't do more than this, my hands are not supporting me. And leaves from there.

Abel asks her not to be stubborn and agree to him. She agrees to him and sit beside him on the grass. She feels more cold. Abel removes and gives his blazer to her. She remains adamant and doesn't wear it. But he insists her to wear it when he sees her shivering badly. She wears it and holds Abel's hand tightly, which is beside her and begin saying sorry, I didn't said because I  only thought about your good and that I didn't want you to fall in trouble because of myself, I am so sorry. He hugs her tightly and says I am not at all angry with you, why are you thinking all this now, it's okay, just leave it. She starts breathing heavily and says I think they raised the temperature. I am feeling very cold now. He says it's nothing like that, you are over thinking. Calm down. Seeing her condition he decides to divert the topic. Listen, I want to say something about my future plans. She asks what ? He takes her hand in his and says I want to marry you and we will go to Australia for our honeymoon, okay. She asks Australia ? Why you don't like it, it's okay then we will to Switzerland ?, He says. She nods no. He then says Dubai ? Or New York ? Other wise you only decide where you want to go. Any dream place you want to visit ? Sarah, Sarah ? He sees her unconscious and tries to wake her up. But in vain. He gets up from his place making her lie down and covers her properly with the grass. He bangs the door, but no one arrives, then he  searches for something that can save her. At the other end, he gets a big polythene sheet. He gets it towards her and covers her with that quickly. He again bangs the door and waits for a few minutes then returns and slaps lightly on her face with both hands so that she can wake up. But she doesn't. He removes phone from his pant pockets and try to call his friends, it doesn't connect due to network error.
He finally decides to warm her up and sleeps beside her. He takes her in his arms and holds her tightly near him.

After a while, she slowly opens her eyes only to see her self in Abel's arms. She sees him and smiles. He gets happy and kisses her on her lips. They consummate their relationship.

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