Part 3

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This part is dedicated to Nikhat Khush (The_Drama_Queen) for being the first commenter & also for being my bestie... always remember where ever we are, who ever we become or with who ever we're with( as in other friends ) you will always b my bestie coz NZ go together (remember lol!)



I gulped and took hesitant steps towards the mirror which was really beautiful and antique piece of work. I felt like it had this negative energy, like a magnet was pulling me towards it, while the floor board creaked under my feet. I stood in front of the mirror and looked into it, a strange face appeared. It wasn't mine and that gave me a chill!


It was a GHOST! Gghh..hhosstt of my step-sister, Mary Parker, who got burnt alive in the house when it was in flames! When our house was on fire, all of us escaped except her. She got locked in her room and nobody could get her out or save her. I could still remember that day, the day which made our lives miserable... we did move on with our lives but that day was engraved in our memory.

Flashback...6 years ago

"Kira lets play 'Mirror Mirror'?"
"Noo I don't want to its boring and besides you always win"
"I know that's why I wanna playyy...Duh!
"It's not fair why do you always wanna play 'Mirror Mirror'?"
"Hmm...cooz I'm more good at it, I'm more professional and I love looking at myself in the mirror coz well um I'm more prettier than you and-"
"Ok ok I get it, no need to rub it in my face and blah blah yada yada on it-whatever I'm not going to play that freaking stupid game with you!"
"Hey it's not stupid but huh oh well, I'm sorry"
"Really! you mean it?" I looked at her hopefully.
"Yea I'm sorry NOT L-O-S-E-R hahaha". She started walking towards her room.
I had tears in my eyes but held it back,"oh yea well you might someday end up looking like a whitchy wicked whitch and end up being called more like 'Scary Mary' rather than 'Pretty Mary'." After saying this I went and stood at my room's door and began to chant 'Scary Mary'-'Scary Mary'- 'Scary-"
"Shut up! Loser Freak!You-"
"Girls!girls!Calm down.What's goin on here?"
"Daddy! Kira is calling me 'Scary Mary' I don't like iiit, tell her to stop",Mary wailed.
"Dad!She started it.She called me a Loser,she always does Dad.Please tell her-"
"Whoa!whoa!what am I hearing,you*points at Mary* stop calling your sis a Loser and you * points at me* 'Scary Mary' really? *he smirks*that is so cool, Dad begins to laugh.
I give him a toothy grin and turn to look at Mary which in return looks at me furiously. Mary stomps her feet and starts wailing at us.
"Why do you always support her Daddy? I'm your daughter, your blood, she's not* points at me and looks at me with disgust*.Ever since you married Helen you don't pay attention to me anymore,you don't love me anymore,you love Kira more than me that's why you're always on her side and I become the bad guy. I dislike it!

Mary closes her bedroom door after telling us that she never wanted to see us again. It hurt but anger took over me and blurt out words that I still regret saying,"Well you are the worst step-sister ever and also wish I never see you again",and slammed my bedroom door shut.Before slamming my door I heard Mary lock her door. She has about five locks because she thinks she'll be attacked by aliens and won't be able to open her door.Weirdo!
Dad stood outside our bedrooms, we're opposite to each other, and began consoling with us.
"Girls why are you making it such a big deal! Comeon out and forget it and hug. I thought you guys are best friends.Don't ruin your friendship for such small things.You both are twelve and both are growing into beautiful women. I love you both equally and Mary never say that I don't love you. You both are my girls and-"
"Aaaah! Aaaah! Fire!Fire! Eric ...Eerriic"
I opened my door as soon as I heard my mother's shouts and saw smoke coming out of the kitchen. I saw mum hugging Dad and trembling.
I began banging on Mary's door telling her to get out.
"Mary comeon open the door! There's a fire in the house! Hurry!"
"Ha! I'm not an idiot to fall for that"
"Mary! This isn't a joke! I'm not lying open the door and get out!"
"No I won-*cough* *choke* what's that?"*choke*
"Kira take your mum and get out and call for help"
"But Dad what about-"
"No questions just go or we're all gonna die!GO!"
I take my mother's hand and we run out of the house.

Our house was blazing with fire but I still couldn't see Dad nor Mary coming out of the house.The fire brigade came and the firemen did their job.One of them came up to us and then mother began sobbing, telling them that two people she loved we're still inside the house.
"My husband! please save him and and mmy daughter please save them both they're still inside! please PLEASE!"
"We'll try our best ma'am but please calm down"said the fireman in his orange fire suit and yellow helmet.
Mother sat on the grass and began praying and crying. I sat beside her and watched the scene with just a little bit of hope.
The firemen were trying their best to put out the fire and then I saw two figures carrying out a body. I ran to them and saw that it was Dad. His left hand and leg were slightly burnt but he was alive.
"Dad you're ok! oh thank god! where's Mary?"
Dad was giving me a distant look.
"Dad ! Where's Mary?"
"Huh!Mary...Mary" he ran to one fireman and began pleading to him.
"Please save my daughter. She's still inside please save my daughter!SAVE HER!
"Sir! My men are doing their best to open her door. IT'S STUCK"he said.
"Dad what are they talking about? What do they mean that Mary's door is stuck? Didn't she open it?"
Dad looked down at me with tears in his eyes.
"I was telling her to get out and then I heard her choking. She said that she couldn't see with all the smoke! I told her to try unlocking her door but then I heard her fall and cry out for me. I tried everything I could but the freaking door just wouldn't BUDGE! S**t"

"Mr and Mrs Parker..." a fireman came up to us, "we...uh...yyour daughter..." he looked at us pityingly, "we couldn't get her out, I'm...very sorry for your loss", and he walked away leaving us with dumbstruck faces.
The fire was almost out and nothing was left of our home. They couldn't save her. She's dead. She got fried, burnt alive!

I hugged mum and dad as we stared at the remains of our once lovely home and with those remains lied the ashes of Mary. No No Noooo!
Mary's DEAD and it's all my Fault!

End of Flashback...


OMG! A look into the past and how Mary died!

Well hope y'all liked/enjoyed/got emotional at/ this part and hope you:

Till next update take care and don't fall...Horrifickz!

P.S= Check out these books:
#Love and Trust are Just Words;
#The Playboy has the Princess's
$$ Both books by: The_Drama_Queen

Hasta la Vista!!

THE NIGHTMARE THAT CAME TRUE!!!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon