Act 02.

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You sat across from Alyssa and Shiba as Kentarō aggressively slumped down in the empty seat from beside you.

"Hey dawgy." You chuckle.

"Hey." He sighed.

"Oi- tennis ball!" Alyssa shooed at her cousin.

"Hey Kent." Shiba waved.

Kentarō forced a small smile but he was obviously in a foul mood.

"What's up with you." Alyssa snarled.


"Alright. Give me absolutely nothing, king." Alyssa shrugged.

"Dude-" Shiba scolded.

"What? I don't want to pry." Alyssa threw her hands up in defence.

"You okay?" You eyed the hot tempered boy.

"I said i'm fine." He huffed reassuringly.

"H-how about you?" He uttered scarfing down his lunch.

"Me too." You smile subtly.

You knew he'd give in eventually. He always had.

"You know...your asshole of an ex boyfriend really knows how to take the fun out of volleyball." He confessed.

"Yeah well... he's kind of a prick~" You chuckle rubbing the back of your neck anxiously.

"He isn't still giving you trouble is he?" Kentarō met your gaze.

You shake your head.

"He stopped bothering me a while ago." You laugh although he could hear the pain laced in your voice.

"Good. You could do better. Way better." He leaned back.

"Yeah like who?" You conceal a smile.

"Dunno... Iwaizumi-San? He shrugged.

"Are you mad? There's no way in hell i'd go for his best friend." You stare at him in awe for saying something so idiotic.

"They don't call me mad dog for nothing." He grumbled under his breath. 

"Yeah yeah... shut up." You tease.

"I just- you deserve to be happy. And at least a guy like Iwaizumi-San will actually put your feelings into consideration." Kentarō sneered.

"In conclusion, men ain't shit." Alyssa hollered receiving a few condescending glances.

"Amen, Brutha." Shiba nodded.

Alyssa's nose flared momentarily as she concealed a laugh.

"Well what about you? Any special girls?" You nudge him in the elbow teasingly.

His cheeks grew a vibrant red as he turned his head away.

"N-no." He scoffed.

"You're face is telling me a different story~" You tease.

"I don't have time for things like that." He clenched his jaw.

"Built, different." Shiba shrugged.

Kentarō shot Shiba a menacing glare.

Shiba grew a nervous shade of pink causing Kentarō to glance away quickly.

This small interaction did not go unnoticed.

"Stop hitting on my cousin, Shiba~" Alyssa grinned ear to ear.

You could see Kentarō tense up.

"Man... Imma leave." Shiba pursed her lips awkwardly.

Shiba pulled at your sleeve.

"Chocolate milk. Vending machine. Now." Shiba instructed as you fumbled behind her.

You waved over to Alyssa who grinned deviously.

You knew that smile.

She was definitely plotting something.

You both frantically rushed over to the vending machine as you let out small chuckles.

"Alyssa will be the death of me." She groaned.

"Do you even have money?" You frown hinting to the nearby vending machine.

You couldn't ignore the sudden craving of chocolate milk.

"Gah that was so awkward." She pouted.

"We getting Choccy milk or naw..." You eyed her.

"No I'm flat out broke I just needed to vent."

"Why are you suppressing me of my choccy milk." You whine.

"Was It that noticeable..."

You shake your head.

"But the sexual tension- phew." You tease.

"I couldn't help it. the way he just glared at me..." She clasped her mouth with her hand yet again to conceal her reddened cheeks.

"Keep it in your pants you masochist." You tease.

"Silence, bottom." She rebuked.

"You know what-" You sigh waving your finger forward.

Suddenly, an abrupt voice stopped your chain of thoughts.

"I have change."

"Iwaizumi-San...Hey." You clear your throat anxiously.

"If you still want the choccy- chocolate milk." He gritted his teeth.

You flashed him a teethy smile.

"He's my new religion fuck you." You motion over to Iwaizumi who stared at you dumbfounded.

Shiba flipped you off before waiting in the distance.

"If it's really no trouble." You smile softly.

"I only ask of a small talk with you... that's all." He glanced away shyly.

You nod nervously.

He paced closer to you as you grew nervous. His tall build practically towered over you.

"If you know what's good for you- you'll let Oikawa be." He clenched his jaw.

Your eyes averted to his immediately.

"Excuse me...?" You couldn't believe what you were hearing.

"I- just- I don't want to see you hurt again. I may be his friend but I'm not very fond of how he treated you in particular." Iwaizumi scowled.

"Woah- where's this coming from?" You laugh nervously.

"He caught you staring. You still hung up on him aren't you."

"Actually- the quite opposite really."

He shook his head.

"I saw how you looked at him."

"You caught me huh... You must be referring to my smile."

He nodded.

"I had been smiling because for the first time in my life, I didn't feel a thing. I didn't feel like absolutely crumbling from the very sight of him. I'm finally okay." You prop your elbows upward in the standard anime pose.

He stared at you in shock.

"I see."

He dropped a pile of change in your hand as he buried his hands in his pockets and brushed past you.

Sweet Redemption- Tōru Oikawa x F!readerWhere stories live. Discover now