Do What You Are Ordered To Do

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*note* Another Bucky chapter because I know how much you love these chapters so much. Thank you so much for reading my first fanfiction! We are getting really close to the end. I'm working on a sequel that I will definitely post. And because I'm nice, I'm putting some Beth narrative in here too.Now without further ado, chapter whichevernumberwewereon! - Penguin


Doctor stood there with Drill Sargent as we skidded to a stop. Beth pointed her gun at Doctor, then Drill Sargent pulled out his gun and pointed it at her. "Don't!" I said before I could even think about what I had said. "Soldier, what the hell do you think you're doing!" Drill Sargent barked at me. "Don't hurt her," I said to them. "Please hold your fire everyone," Doctor said. He turned to me, "Soldier, kill her." "No," I said through gritted teeth. "I said," Doctor pulled out a remote. He pressed a button, a huge jolt of pain spread into my head, do what you are ordered to do. I yelled in pain, voices in my head were over powering. Do what you are ordered to do, the words ran through my head over and over again. Then it all stopped. "Are you ready to receive orders Soldier?" Doctor asked me. "Stop! Please don't hurt him!" Beth called from behind me. "Stay out of it Beth!" I shouted back. I covered my ears, too many voices, another jolt of pain shot through my body. "I said.. Are you ready to receive orders?" "Yes! Okay fine I'll-I'll do it... Just stop!" I shouted. "Kill her." "No! Anything but that!" A massive shot of pain came through my head, memories, emotions, feelings, came to me in the blink of an eye. Then all I saw was darkness.


"No! Bucky!" I screamed as I fought against guards yet again. It felt like déjà vu I mean seriously. "We will make sure he will never remember you again," the man with circular glasses said as the man with the buzz cut dragged the unconscious Bucky back to the Chamber. "You will have... Fun in our lab miss Bethany," the man said.

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