Pros to Being an Amazing Alpha

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Speaking of his favorite beta, Jungkook's eyes shoot up as he rakes his eyes across his small group of friends.

"Where's Tae-Hyung?" he asks.

"Oh, he got a new flat-mate a few days ago and asked if he could bring him today to let him meet some new people," Namjoon rumbles from around his beer bottle. "They've been gone for a while, so it shouldn't be long 'til they come back."

Sure enough, after only a few more minutes of Jungkook curiously wondering about the soon-to-be newest addition to their friend group, he can distinguish Tae's earthy scent coming closer to where Jungkook is sitting. The alpha lifts his head, and before long spots the cheery beta weaving through the throng of people. All he sees behind him, though, is a mop of blonde hair bobbing through the crowd.

"Kookie!" Tae squeals when he pops out of the mass of wolves and throwing himself on the younger in a hug. Jungkook laughs, arms reaching around to squeeze him back. As he lifts his eyes to look at his black-haired friend, he spots another wolf behind him.

Jungkook's arms freeze as he gapes at the petite, blonde man who waves shyly at him.

His short, golden locks are parted in the middle, both sides cascading down the sides of his face in a fluffy, slightly curled hairstyle. The man has a defined jaw but still manages to have slightly rounded cheeks that are dusted in pink, making him look cute and squishable yet sexy and fuckable.

A thin, slightly oversized t-shirt adorns his torso, and the loose collar exposes his milky collarbones. Paired with the white shirt are tight, ripped black jeans that hug his built thighs and show off his smooth skin. When the beauty turns slightly to greet Seokjin, Jungkook sees that it's not only his thighs that are plush.

His ass is round and peachy, and Jungkook's mouth waters at the alluring sight.

And then the newcomer smiles.

The blonde's plump lips stretch upwards, and his eyes scrunch up into crescents. The most beautiful laugh escapes his lips, and Jungkook swears he can hear angels singing.


The alpha blinks, coming out of his trance and turns to see Taehyung looking at him intensely with a raised eyebrow.

"What's wrong with you today?" the beta asks. Jungkook just opens and closes his mouth, eyes wide and staring at the unknown blonde in front of him.

"Ugh, forget about it. Sorry for this bitch, Minnie, he's weird. Oh, and his name is Jeon Jungkook by the way. Kook, this is Park Jimin, my new flat-mate."

Jimin reaches out to shake his hand, but Jungkook pulls him in and hugs him. "Any friend of Tae is a friend of mine, so let's skip the formalities," the alpha says lowly.

Smooth, he thinks as Jimin lets out a squeak but giggles and hugs him back. In this position, Jungkook can clearly smell Jimin's scent and breathes in deeply. He can finally tell what sub-gender Jimin is, and his alpha howls in delight at the conclusion that Jimin is an omega, and his wolf instantly falls in love with the sweet, heady jasmine fragrance rolling off of the blonde.

Scent him, scent him, scent him!! His alpha seems to scream. Luckily, Jungkook has some control over his wolf and is able to control the urge to bathe the omega in his own rich, chocolatey scent. He does, however, make sure to subtly nuzzle his cheek into Jimin's shirt, leaving a hint of cocoa behind as he steps back from the hug.

"Nice to meet you, Jimin-ssi," the smug alpha rumbles, lips quirking upwards as he sees the light dusting of pink on Jimin's cheeks become more colored.

Pros to Being an Amazing Alpha - Jikook Oneshot🔞Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz