9: The First Task

Start from the beginning

"Sure," Daphne nodded, using a napkin to wipe her hands, "Let's go watch four teenagers walk into a living trap."

"Daphne," Theo warned lowly.

"What? It's true," Daphne shrugged, "Chop chop, you two. I want good seats."

The entire population of Hogwarts - and their visitors - gathered around the large arena. Tension was palpable in the air, cleverly masked with a cloak of excitement.

Madeline didn't dare look into the arena too much. She already felt sick, the prospect of her friends having to battle it out with dragons making her feel uneasy to say the least. She sat herself on the far left of the stands, with Daphne sat between her and Theo. Two rows in front of her, she could see Hermione worriedly clutching the scarf around her neck. On her left, Neville, who was hastily scribbling on some cardboard. Ron was on her other side, with Dean and Seamus next to him.

There was a tent on the far side of the enclosure, clearly where the Champions were being held. Just besides it, the entrance to another tent was blocked off by a large metal gate. Madeline had a feeling that was where the dragons would be entering from.

She'd done her own research on dragons, of course. Many wouldn't be too hard to fight if you knew the right spells, which she hoped her friends did, but the tales others bore sent chills down her spine. She hadn't told Daphne and Theo what was in store, probably because it would make it so much more real.

"Bloody hell it's getting cold," Daphne huffed as she rubbed the palms of her hands together.

"Something tells me it's about to get a lot hotter here," Theo retorted cleverly.

Madeline raised her eyebrow at Theo, "You know?"

Theo shrugged, "I overheard Ron Weasley talking about it earlier."

Mr. Bagman was the one to announce the beginning of the Tournament. He stood from his seat with the other judges, bringing his wand to his neck to amplify his voice.

"Hello everybody!" Mr. Bagman began, "And what an exciting day this is! Welcome to the first task of the Triwizard Tournament!"

Everyone began clapping and hollering, dying down once Mr. Bagman had raised his hand.

"Today's task is very special, and created to test our Champions daring," Mr. Bagman continued dramatically, "Each of our Champions has been assigned a dragon, which they will have to battle, and steal a golden egg from!"

Murmurs immediately began in the audience. Some people seemed shocked, others far too excited to witness the Boy Who Lived face certain death. Madeline remained quiet, tension palpable in the air.

"So, without further ado, let us begin!" Mr Bagman exclaimed loudly, flashes of red sparks shooting into the sky, symbolising the beginning of the Tournament, "First we have one of our Hogwarts champions, Cedric Diggory! He will be facing the Swedish Short-Snout!"

Immediately, the Hufflepuffs began shouting and screaming, even Madeline joining in and clapping her hands. As long as Harry had warned him, Madeline had every confidence that he'd be alright. However, the audience fell into an instant silence as the dragon gate lifted. A large silvery-blue dragon made its way into the arena, the muzzle around its large mouth disappearing once the gate had closed behind it. It paid no attention to the audience, and instead began circling itself around the eggs on the side of the arena.

And then Cedric came out.

The Hufflepuffs cheered once more, but Madeline found herself digging her nails into her robes in anxiety. Cedric looked positively terrified, and she bet he wasn't the only one. This whole thing was simply barbaric.

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