"Allow me," Karlie interjects. She swoops in front of Taylor and taps a random elevator button with a mischievous grin.

"What? Karlie!" the singer scolds, but reflects the model's contagious smile nonetheless. It's almost blinding, but she can't rip her wandering eyes away.

There is no reason for her to be this pretty. Not one.

The model giggles, possibly the most adorable sound Taylor has ever heard. "Oops," she apologizes in a not-so-sorry voice.

Taylor reaches around her to press the right button, making sure Karlie knows she's giving a cold glare. The model just bursts out laughing again– not that she minds listening to her laugh. Taylor decides that it's officially her favorite sound, which she's sure sounds creepy.

Ugh. I seriously have to stop thinking of her in that way, she scolds herself. She's known Karlie for like, what, 4 days? Taylor shouldn't still be this nervous around her. They've established that they're friends– and that is all they will ever be. Can't she just accept it already?

Typically she's decent at getting over crushes, especially crushes on girls. It won't take long once the singer accepts they'll never be into her, sometimes she'll write a few song lyrics for closure. But sadly her feelings for Karlie aren't having any of that, which sucks considering that Taylor is planning for hopefully a long and steady friendship with her.

Karlie has already convinced her to consider moving to New York City permanently. She originally had been aiming for London for a number of reasons– apparently the paparazzi aren't as bad (according to her ex Harry), and the city is charming and beautiful, and lots of sightseeing. London probably would feel like taking a breath of fresh and crisp morning air.

And then, of course, Dianna has been spending a lot of time there...

But Dianna has nothing to do with this, even though she'd been the first one to tell Taylor to get out of LA and recommended London. Dianna had said that Los Angeles was bad for her, bad for Taylor, bad for both of them. That they should leave and hide somewhere where no one could find them and grow old together.

Well, that clearly didn't work out.

That was a really messy breakup, Taylor tries her best to steer clear of those grim memories. After long periods of on-and-off, being in love and despising each other, grueling fights and passionate nights, they'd finally parted ways not-so-peacefully.

Their relationship had gotten toxic, really toxic, and the constant hiding and pressure from her then-publicist and the general public was too much to handle. They were always running away from something or someone, sneaking into each other's apartments, lying to their friends' faces... it was bad. She hated lying to her fans, who are always so loyal, so supportive of anything she does. But many of them wouldn't approve of a same-sex relationship; a huge chunk of them are country-loving conservatives that no doubt are against that.

It definitely didn't help Taylor's mental health either. Her anxiety attacks were much more frequent and the only thing keeping her somewhat sane was her mom and her best friends. In fact, it was Selena who first brought up the idea of ending things with Dianna. Taylor felt betrayed at first– her best friend was mentioning the idea of her leaving the love of her life– but she knew it was for the best. No relationship should be able to give her that much stress.

Even though Taylor still finds herself missing the comforting touch of Dianna's hand on hers, her glowing milky skin, that offbeat sense of humor, the little winsome smirk she wore whenever Taylor told her a bad joke, the singer knows it was for the best. As fun and thrilling their relationship was, it was headed for the rocks. Dianna will never be the love of her life anymore, that's for sure.

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