Thirteen - Origin

Start from the beginning

Tobi and I were his youngest two, we were the most brainwashed of his children. He couldn't risk losing us to tests. So he trialed his serum on four children who had become my friends while they lived in our house. He lured them into a false sense of security, feeding them, clothing them, housing them and schooling them. He promised them a life of power, glory and wealth.

Ami lasted the longest. Her body manifested three quirks, and over a year she learnt how to work with them. But she lost control almost every time until finally the power in her body destroyed her too. They were his fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh failed attempts.

He had completely lost his mind by the time it was Tobi's turn. Tobi was stubborn, he tried to fight my father off. I-I watched as my father beat him to death for disobeying him. He warned me that that would be my fate if I didn't comply before he dragged Tobi's body away from me... Eighth failure... And then it was my turn.

At the start of last year, my father injected me with what he considered to be his perfect serum. He had spent years testing me, experimenting on me, ensuring that whatever went into my body was the perfect cocktail for a soldier. I got into Super AC on recommendations, my father was viewed as a respected scholar in quirk research. As you know, I had higher scores than Todoroki in AC's equivalent test; 98/100.

Little did my father know that a certain agency was intrigued by this result. A Japanese girl in the States with a power like that, it couldn't be natural. Sir Knighteye and the Knighteye agency teamed up with Fox Force in California to begin tracking my actions. I never got sick, I had perfect grades, perfect physical scores, incredible speed and dexterity.

After Sir died last year, the mission to keep an eye on me and my father fell by the wayside for a while. It picked back up again in January this year. Their spies would follow me home, and eventually they connected the dots. The missing children, the scientist from Japan living in the suburbs, the perfect daughter. Their research showed we were once a family of 7 but they only ever saw 2 people entering and exiting the house.

I'm not stupid. I picked up that I was being followed but I didn't tell my father. Every part of my being hoped and wished that it was someone there to save me. And so in the days leading up to when they took my father, I acknowledged who was following me, and made contact. On that day it was Mirio Togata, Lemillion. I told him what I could, and I warned them that if they were planning to raid my father's house. They needed back up, serious back up.

You see, the serum wasn't the only thing my father worked on. He created mindless soldiers, more people he'd picked up from the streets and turned into his puppets to fight for him. He'd been inspired by those things he'd seen on the news last year that fought against All Might and Endeavour. Sometimes he'd make me train against them. It was awful. Their eyes were still human, and in pain. They took my advice when they raided the home early this year. Endeavour was flown over in secret, I don't think Todoroki even knows his father ever went to the States.

The night they attacked, my father tried to kill me. He couldn't let everything he worked for slip into the hands of others. His ninth attempt, first success, what my body had become was too important to his research. He took me into the deepest part of his lab, and held a knife to my throat. Waiting for the moment they would bust in so he could kill me in front of them before taking his own life.

Lemillion saved me.

He can permeate through soft materials, including human flesh. He knocked my father out and carried me out of the house. Everything went black after that, and it's the last thing I remember from being in the States.

I came to back here in Japan. I was in the Endeavour Agency's medical wing, Lemillion was there, so was Endeavour, and Principal Nezu. Then there were all these people that I didn't know and still don't really know who they are... They explained to me what had happened that night, that they found the ashes of my family members and friends, and that my father had been taken into custody in the States.

They told me that until I turned 18, I would be under the care of UA, attending the hero course, and that I would be living under a false name. I was the one and only witness for my father's crimes so whenever custody was settled between Japan and the US, I would need to attend court to testify against my father.

My injuries healed while I was there and spent time building up my Japanese again. They monitored me closely and worked out where my limit was for my power. That's why I'm in Class 2A, so Mr Aizawa can erase my quirk if I push it too far. My father's fortune was split up, some given to the community for all the trouble he caused, some sent into both governments. I got the rest, and used some of it to buy my mother's house and fix it up. That's the home I grew up in, the home she killed herself in. Everyone kept asking where my parents were over the summer...

And then in April I came to UA. I started classes, met all of you. My body was healed and over the last couple of months my mind has started to heal too. I can feel things again, happiness, sadness, embarrassment, lust. All of the things that a normal teenager should be able to feel and have to deal with. I almost forgot about him.

The court date was set for the third week of September, the first week everyone will be in Okinawa. I'll be able to come for the second week, maybe. The trial will be all over the news so it's only a matter of time before everyone else finds out my real story. I can't wait for them to find him guilty, and send him to Tartarus where he belongs. He's a monster. The Doctor? Please. Doctor's heal people, not break them."

Ren stared at her feet as she finished telling Bakugo her story. Her dress was stained with tears. She gripped the dampened fabric and clenched her teeth. "What did you see the other night?" Ren asked not daring to look at Bakugo.

"Sparks." He said simply. The information was still setting in, he couldn't believe what she'd gone through. No wonder Granny got so tired so quickly.

Ren turned her head away, more tears spilled down her cheeks. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that." She didn't want him to see her cry. "I'll never be rid of his curse."

The sun was low in the sky, getting ready to tuck below the horizon. Wind blew through Granny's garden and rattled the bamboo stalks softly. Her wind chimes clunked and clinked, joining the tune of Ren's cries.

Bakugo placed his hands over her clenched fist. "Ren." He said softly. She squeezed her eyes together and gripped onto her dress more tightly. He wrapped his hand over her fist and placed his other hand on her chin gently. Bakugo turned her face towards him, he felt a pain unlike any other he'd ever experienced when he saw the tears in her eyes. "You never have to hide anything from me." He smirked. "I've seen you naked."

His sudden joke made her blubber out a laugh. "Shut up." Ren mumbled and dropped her head into Bakugo's chest.

He chuckled triumphantly and wrapped his arms over her. "Naked." Ren pinched his ribs. "Ow!"

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