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(Still all in first person)
So because Alex got caught vaping and taking drugs he was grounded for a like 2 months it was meant to be 4 but he did something that got him out of it and as soon as he got ungrounded we hang out like every day because I also asked him to be my quinces escort and he said yes oh and Sophie moved to Canada with her dad and Grace's parents have got deported so they have gone back to Cuba and grace lives with her uncle in Texas now but they might be getting the American citerzin test for them to come back but we'll see and my quinces is in 3 months,me and Alex have been dating for 3 and a half months now so we are pretty serious but we haven't said 'I love you' yet so I don't know
1 month later
I was hanging out with my brother Mateo because we have to act nice to each other for papi when he comes so we have to practise.
After a couple hours we went home to see papi on the sofa with mom I was so excited
"PAPI!" I ran towards him and jumped on him and I was also followed by Mateo jumping on me!
"Why are you here my quinces isn't until another 2 months!" I said looking at him in confusion and he explained that he and Madison is moving back to LA and I was so excited,
We all talked a bit and papi went to his house and I go a call from Alex saying his family wants to meet me tomorrow
The next day..
I was getting ready to leave the house, I grabbed my phone and keys for the house and took the bus to get to the place I was meeting them at I got there and saw Alex and 3 other people with him which I guessed was his mother sister and abuelita I started walking over to them and Alex noticed me
"Oh hey Rhea there you are," he says giving me a hug
"Hey,sorry Mateo wouldn't give me my phone," I said smiling at him and now turning to his family,
"Hi I'm Rhea," I said smiling at them
"Hi Rhea I'm Penelope and this is elena and my mother Lydia," Penelope said to me
"Let's eat I'm hungry," elena said turning around and walking in, Alex grabbed my hand and we walked in, we all talked and got on for a while before ordering
"It's so nice to meet all of you, thank you for taking me to dinner mrs Alvarez." I said turning towards her with a smile
She says with a smile "well it's not everyday Alex gets a new girlfriend and even though the day was four months ago, it's great to finally meet you"
"I'm sorry, I didn't know what I was worried about," Alex said grabbing his mother hand and giving a apologetic look
"So, Rhea how did you meet MY papito," Lydia asked with a weird look on her face
"It's actually a really funny story see Alex was at his locker and I came up to him and said 'cool sneakers'," I said to her
"And then I said," he did a weird nod with his head and smiled at me
"And we've Technically been together ever since," I said smiling thinking back to the day I met Alex
"God! It's so easy being straight," elena scoffed but in a nice way.
"Has he said he loves you....no..oh he has said it to me," Lydia says in a cocky voice
"Okay Elenas gay, Alex is a catch and you are making everyone uncomfortable.. so here let's look at the menus because we have to order before six o'clock to get happy hour prices," Penelope said passing out menus
"Okay so what would you like to order," the waiter said as he came up to us but me and Alex his out faces with the menu and started making out but we felt the menu get pulled away,
"Heyyyy!" Penelope said to us in a smirk
We pulled away so fast "Burger!"
"Salad!" We both said in embarrassment
After that me and Lydia were talking in Spanish "mi Herman o se cayó al suelo se volvió a levantar y volvió a decir," I said and all of us started laughing
"I don't care if Alex hasn't said it I will I love you!," Lydia saying blowing a air kiss in the air
"Yeah and I only say this to what ever mirror is closer to me but your a fricken delight!" Penelope said giving me a loving smile
"It is so nice to have a young Latina around who can speak Spanish," Lydia say sounding really giddy
"I speak Spanish," elena said with a look on her face looking at Lydia
"And I'm young!" Penelope said gesturing towards her body
"Uh thank you for dinner mrs Alvarez I was super nervous to meet you but you guys are pretty fun," I said smiling at everyone but I heared Penelope yelling at the check "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!"
She walked over to the waiter and started arguing with him and causing a huge scene all I heard was her arguing about happy hour prices with him I looked at Alex who had an embarrassing expression on his face.
"It was so lovely to meet you Nora," she added on coming back to the table
"Yeah you too mrs Alvarez but I'm going to go, I'll see you later," I said kissing Alex's cheek and waving to the rest of the family and leaving the food place.
A couple days later on HALLOWEEN
"Did your mom actually let you dye your hair silver," I said with me and him walking out of the shop he got his hair died at
"Yeah," he said grabbing my hand and kissing it
"You look like you can be in a boy band," I said touching his hair, he looked at me and just laughed, we walked back to his apartment we didn't end up going in we ended up making out outside his door when the door suddenly opened,
"Hey! Take it somewhere else you old creep," we heard his mom say so I pulled away and saw her face when she saw Alex's hair
"Oh hey mom," Alex said dragging me in his apartment
"Wowww look at that hair! What's your costume, Anderson Cooper and Billy something Martin," she said and I looked at her in confusion
"I don't know who any of those people are," Alex said crossing his arms
"Doesn't he look like he can be in a boy band" I said putting my chin on his shoulder
"Yeahh, boys the old men," she said which made me laugh and Penelope going to the kitchen,
"No wait this isn't my costume, I dyed my hair," Alex said casually and seeing Penelopes face she didn't know at all
"Like permanently, how could you do that without asking me!" She said shouting at him
"I did ask you I said 'mom on Halloween can I dye my hair silver'" Alex said to his mom
"Why would you use Halloween in that sentence, that is so misleading ," she said throwing her hands up in frustration then Lydia came in through the kitchen when me and Alex was going to his room,
"Ahh papito, what have you done, you look like you Abuelito, I'm going
to put you in his suit and we will salsa dance," Lydia says hugging Alex
"I'm starting to regret this," Alex says to Penelope, "ha yeah you are," she added
"Hey, at least we can get into R rated movies now," I said laughing and me and Penelope fist bump,
"Oh and by the way, I'm going to Rheas tonight her mother and father and step mother is having a Halloween party tonight," he says leaving go of his abuelita,
"Okay ye you can go, not that you asked me but okay," his mom said to him in sarcasm I laughed at her comment,
"Don't worry, it's just a family party before my quinceañera, oh and my parents asked me to invite you all," I told them and they all smiled at me,
"We would love to, your going to look perfecta" Lydia said to me with her lovely Spanish accent
"Thank you, Lydia but I got to go and help my parents set up for the party, adíos," I said walking to the door and Alex following me and we were outside,
"So I'll see you later," I said looking at him,
"Yeah of course," he said before pecking me on the lips and me walking away to go home,
I got home to see most of the house is already decorated,
"Mami, papi, Madison I'm home," I said walking into the dinning room,
"Hey mami, what's up," I said sitting on the counter by the table
"Oh hi miha, me and your papi were arguing about your quinceañera, he wants Madison to dance with you as well," she said looking at me with anger in her eyes
"Uh well I can't I only dance with my date them papi that's it," I said looking at her in confusion  and then I heard the door open and saw papi by the door frame
"Hey miha, I heard what you said and I totally agree with you now after a lot of thinking," he said to me
"Can we not talk about my quinces, it's next month even abuela has stopped but that's only for tonight for the party," I said looking at them both and walking to my room to get dressed, I got dressed in a short, shorts and a black t-shirt with rips down by the sides and my hair is curled and my makeup is natural.
I took pictures for my finsta because I haven't posted on it in a while and I got over 100,000 like on it in 2 hours,
Insta post
Caption- party time hoess 🎉💅
Likes- 105,965 likes
Grace..ravierez- aww bestie I miss you so much! 💗
Reply to grace- I miss you too! Can't wait to see you! 💗
Sophiewood2- heyy, you look gorg 💅
Reply to Sophie- hey girl I miss you sooo much 💕💅
Finn1bball- that's my bestie 💙
Sam16- ooh looking good for Alex are you 👀
GracieWilliams- wait your dating Alex, he's so hot 🥵
Reply to Gracie- I know he's hot but he's mine 💅
BreannaS5- wowww 👑
AlexAlvarez- my baby's hot as ever🥵❤️
           Reply to Alex- aww see you later baby ❤️👑
ChloeDavies- Happy Halloween bestie! 🎃💅
           Reply to chloe- You too bestie! See you at school! 🎉🎃
Lexiesimp6- how are you so popular in school tho?! Your soo pretty btw✨🤍
           Reply to Lexie- uhh I'm not popular and thank you so are you!
About 20 minutes after I got dressed people started arriving at the house I assumed most of them are madison and papi's friends and some are mami's and abuela's friends, I only recognise some of them tho but then my phone rang, it was Alex he told me that he was outside and asked for me to go and meet him I walked out to see him on his phone
"Hey, what's up why are you out here?" I asked him as I got closer,
"Wanted to walk in with you that all," he said grabbing my hand,
"You know most of them people in there are either Cuban or just white so they will bombard us when we get in there," I said as we started walking up to the front of the house,
"Oh well I'm glad I have you on my side," he said and I looked at him in aww before kissing him passionately and he immediately kissed back but I pulled away after a couple minutes,
"We have to go in, we will continue later okay," I said before pulling him inside and going to the sofa/couch, we were sitting and talking until madison grabbed everyone's attention
"Attention everyone," madison said clanking her glass with a knife
"I'm glad you all were able to join the Martinez family for Halloween, I hope you all are enjoying yourselfs, I just wanted to say to Rhea, I know we aren't the closest but I hope we do become close i want to be the best step mom ever, and Mateo I still can't believe you are the best step son ever and Tristan I love you so much, thank you for everything you've don't for me and um that's it I'm just happy to be loved by this amazing family," she said to us all I just smiled and walked over to her and hugged her, after we talked I went back to Alex but he was outside with his mother which I thought was weird until I heard my mother
"RHEA,VEN AQUÍ AHORA," my mom shouted from the front of our house, I made my way to the post house to see penelopes boyfriend,herself, my mom, my dad and Alex there,
"tú mami?" I said walking to the door,
"Miha,what were you doing at Alex's house today?" My mom asked me in a serious tone,
"Uh? What? Nothing," I said turning to Alex
"Well somebody explain this?" Penelope said pouting towards a pregnancy test,
"It's not ours," Alex said gesturing too us both
"Alex we found it in the trash, it's not mine, it's not Abuelita's, not Elenas, how is it not yours," she said looking frustrated
"Because it's not alright!" Alex said having the same face as his mother's
"What other explanation is there?" She said raising her voice,
"It's impossible!," he said looking at me,
"We haven't had sex, okay!" Alex said whispering but shouting
"Really, look at me," she said and Alex Turing towards her "no sex at all," she said smiling
"Oh my god! No sex," he said looking away,
"Just over the shirt stuff," I blurted out and Alex looking  at me like 'what the hell'
"You probably didn't need that information," I said stepping back,
"Can we all stop talking about this now,please?" Alex said looking at our parents
"Awwh, what a memorable first meeting, uh carmen,Tristan," Penelope said looking embarrassed
"Sure is," my mom said and my dad nodding at her
"Glad we figured this out without too much embarrassment, adíos,si," she said leaving and my parents going back inside
"So,moocho Halloween," max says leaving with Penelope and me looking at Alex like 'what the hell just happened' and he just shrugged
"I guess I'll see you tomorrow," I said before turning around to go inside
"Yeah, bye baby," he said before going to his car where his mom was,
"Mami you really thought I would be pregnant and not tell you?" I said as I went up to her,
"Well no but at that moment yes," she said turning towards me
"Mami, we haven't even said I love you yet so I won't have sex with him until I know for sure that I love him and I would tell you anyways I can't keep anything from you!" I said going to hug her 
"I know femenina, now tomorrow we are planning you QUINCES!," she said laughing
"Ugh mami, I'm going to sleep, you and abuela have fun talking about it when the party's over," I said walking to my room and taking off my makeup and putting my hair in a bun and putting on my pyjamas and went to sleep.



Boom finally posted sorry it took a while i was busy with my family but hope you like it

— <33

One day at a time-Alex Alvarez Where stories live. Discover now