Sick- Bakugo katsuki

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-Your pov-

I was currently laying in bed waiting for my boyfriend bakugou to get back. He’s bringing me the work I miss today because I'm in bed with a cold. I hear my dorm door open as he looks and cringes at me. He walks over and sets down a bag and a notebook, “You look like hell.” He says in a gruff tone. “I feel like hell too..” I say while sitting up. “What's in the bag?” He takes some stuff out and shows me. It was a bento box, a bottle of water and some medicine. “I’m gonna have to give you some medicine and I know you're not gonna like it but i tried to get the best flavour they had.” I look up at him and sigh. “Hey, don't sigh at me. I'm doing this for your own good.” I looked up as he got a spoonful of medicine and put it up to my mouth. I looked away in disgust. “Take it dumbass.” I look over at him. “Please..” I hear him whisper. I still don't look at him. He sighs and I hear him moving a bit. He slowly turns my head with his hand and kisses me softly. It was very unexpected, until he opened his mouth and spilled out a very gross substance. I pull away and cringe, swallowing the liquid, knowing what it is. “Damn. Now I know why you hate medicine.” He said while coughing a little. I still have a sour look on my face as he laughs. “Haha you look so dumb when you have that face on.”

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