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I climbed 🧗 out of my 💆‍♂️ head and watched 👁 myself implode 🧠🎊 a thought ☕️ without a 🦗 body🧚 Ought🥺 to be 🌸 the shot💪 to take 🚪 a load 💃 off. My brain 🧠 is poisoned🍼 And I’m🙈 searching 🔭 for the antidote 🧪 But🐦 every 🤩 time⏰ i🧴 find🧚 it 🐖 my🥀 defenses🥊 scream 🗣️oh ✨no❌ you💝 don’t 🌚 wOeAh😳

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