The dream

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Y/N's pov

The ceremony of twelve was nearing. I was tense and worried of the assignment I would be given. What if I don't enjoy it? What if they chose wrong? What if I mess up and get released? My anxieties about the ceremony piled atop each other as I finished my homework from the school day. I dress for bed and say goodnight to my family. I lay in the small bed and stare at the ceiling think before I drift to sleep

Bitter pain, white and... a new feeling a feeling I never knew before. There was air being blown around and it carried white flakes tat are carrying the new feeling, the bitter feeling. My breathing heavy and irregular and I feel worry and fear. It feels more than that though, it's not just worry, it's not just fear, it's more. i feel like I'm in peril. What can I do? The air nips at my skin, I'm in my night clothes and my arms are exposed as are my knee's down. My feet bare and numb. Yes numb from the white powder on the ground. I shiver and hear yelling. I look around."Catch them!" They yelled. I look back around. Catch who? I then see Jonas by my side with a new child. I don't know who the new child is but I recognized him strangely enough. "Come on Y/N we need to keep going. It's for the best. We need to keep going," Jonas says. The pain continues as we continued rushing, rushing in deathly fear of whoever was chasing us. The new child was silent as Jonas and I find a patch to hide in. "How far is elsewhere" Where is elsewhere?" I asked panic in my voice. "I don't know yet but we need to get there" I nod silently. I don't know what he is talking about but I understand. I know we need to find elsewhere for the better. The pain continues and a gnawing sensation envelops my stomach. Like hunger but worse. I winced in pain. These emotions, these feelings, are so hard to understand. Jonas notices my discomfort and wraps his arms around me mumbling in my ear to try and comfort me. "It'll be okay I promise. Once we're elsewhere we'll be able to be warm and happy again." I stay silent, feeling calmer in his arms. The fear and pain were still tremendous but I let it subside. The scene fades out and I see a thing, i don't know what it is but it's terrifying. It lunges at me and Jonas quickly pulls me aside. He seems much older and so do I. It has electric bright body. It's not the normal tones but nothing is here. It stands on all fours and has a tail, one with lots of fur. It's very lean and medium sized I would say. It like a real life comfort object children get. "It'll be alright just be careful." Jonas says. I didn't notice until now the pain searing through my arm as i look down and see blood flowing out of my skin. My breathing quickens as I stare. I could feel my eye brim with tears. "Shhh it's okay, it's okay." Jonas says as he tears off some cloth from his tunic wrapping it around the wound. I know now, we're elsewhere 

Something loud interrupts me, a beeping or buzzing. I assumed it's my alarm, so i shut it off and sit up. I touch my face to feel tears and sweat. What was that all about? I whimper at my dream rencountering the pain, the fear, and the sensations. I often don't have especially dreams I don't understand.

I get dressed and brushed my bobbed cut hair  before going down stairs, to the dining room, sitting down at the table to eat breakfast. I Sat in the usual spot beside my brother who's an eight and eagerly awaiting the ceremony where he will get his bike. As breakfast arrived my father speaks up. "Who would like to start our dream telling today" He asks as my brother, Aiden started jumping his seat. "I do please" he says eagerly. He would always explain his dreams in depth the often occur at the house of the old, as he volunteers there. He rencounters how he was playing a simple game with one of the elderly women who was telling stories of when she was young like him and of her own children. It was a simple dream, like most. 

"Y/N would you like to go next?" Mother asked. I don't know if i even want to rencounter that dreadful dream. The weird thing is, is that it didn't feel like a dream, most dreams take place in the community and are simple and happy. This was not a dream. I decided to break the rules, I often don't dream, so it wouldn't shock them. "I didn't dream last night" I say eating little bits of food at a time. Mother and Father simply nodded. "I'm sorry?" Aiden asked confused "What happens while you sleep? It seems as though it would be awful to never dream as often as you do." He says. I smile at the young eight.

My father gives him a stern look before speaking of his own dream, then mother. Finally they end and i finish my morning meal before riding off to school. My brain had turned to mush because of the dream and I can't focus. I could keep my mind off of the dream so much that while i was walking I ended bumping into somebody.

"I am so sorry for bumping into you." I say while looking up to see Jonas. JonasandI have always been good friends along with Fiona and Asher. I froze as he smiled gently closing his piercing light eyes. 

"I accept your apology y/n. Is something on your mind?" He asks politely 

I can't tell him, I just can't. I shake my head. "I'm fine." I reply softly while trying to hide the fact i was screaming inside my head. We walked to class together and I stayed silent, listening to him speak of his little sister Lily and the baby his father keeps at night to try and help him, i think his number is 36? Yeah, 36 is the baby from the dream. We get to our seats as the bell rings and class begins. I try my best on focusing on the class and containing my thoughts to the subject at hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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