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Like humans, not all dragons agree on things, like whether or not murdering all of the humans on the planet is a good idea. Grendels are dragons who are wholly hostile to all of human kind. They still hunt us, refusing to take part in any accords, or have any dealings with psions. They have colonized certain areas, like Siberia, the Yukon, and the upper peninsula of Michigan. The use of demilitarized zones and outposts of military forces, supported by allied dragons keep attacks on humans to a minimum. Nests have been reported as far south as West Texas and Mexico. Individual Grendels exist throughout the world, so it is best not to approach an unknown dragon lair.

The Saint George Society is officially classified as a terrorist organization. The SGS originally began as a crack military unit, made up of soldiers of the American Special Forces, British SAS, and Russian Alpha Group. They carried out operations in squads of eight to ten. Their mission was to gather intel and then carry out search and destroy missions on dragon lairs. The mission was labeled Rikki Tikki Tavi, after the Rudyard Kipling story.

The operation was effective. The group identified several natural weaknesses in various dragon breeds and exploited them. Culebres, for example, are armored like a tank, with the exception of a gap where the head articulates at the neck. Baiting the creature with fire from above, forcing it to look up, and then firing an AT-4 antitank weapon at the gap effected a one-hit kill. These squad-sized elements did more damage than entire battalions doing full-force rushes against dragons and their strongholds.

Peace between species ultimately ended Operation Rikki Tikki Tavi, and most of the group returned to their former units or were honorably discharged from service. Several of the group were incensed, having seen so many fellow soldiers and countrymen die to dragon attack. Those men formed the SGS, and branched out, training and arming insurgent cells dedicated to eradicating dragons from the earth. Their attacks have been effective enough to draw international attention. 

The Saint George Society still uses an image of a mongoose with a snake in its teeth on its insignia.

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