"You can't go anywhere near him. I'll make some calls, I'll find out where he is, and he and I will have a little chat. And then you and I can negotiate our own little plea deal." Fallon said walking out. I went to follow her but Austin grabbed my wrist.

"Gabbie, Wait can we talk?" Austin asked.

"I gave you a chance to talk and you lied to me. So I don't wanna hear it." I said pulling my wrist from his grasp and walking downstairs to Dad's study.

"Uh-oh. Is this a family meeting? Because if it is, I'll leave." Fallon said as I walked over to Dad's desk and grabbed a cigar.

"I was just explaining to these two that Jeff Colby is family, and we take care of our own." Dad said as I light the cigar and sat on the desk.

"Speaking of family, I just got news on Steven." Sam said.

"You did?" Fallon and I asked.

"Why didn't you say something?" Mom asked. "And why are you smoking?" Mom turned to me. Everyone turned to look at me.

"Would you calm down and let Sam talk?" I asked blowing out a puff of smoke.

"I spoke to the foundation head in Paraguay. He's fine. Sort of. He, uh, disappeared into the jungle
on some sort of ayahuasca retreat." Sam said.

"He was on a drug binge." Dad said.

"I think it's more of a spiritual binge. He's still trying to figure out who he is." Sam said.

"You know, this all seems shady. No matter where he is, he usually reaches out to me. I'm basically his rock." Mom said.

"Why cause you drag him down causing him to drown?" I asked.

"Watch your mouth." Mom said.

"Then I need a mirror but I think it broke when you looked in it." I said.

"Damn. Adult Gabbie has no filter and I think I love it." Sam said. Fallon walked over and grabbed the cigar out of my hand.

"Spiritual binge," that sounds like a cult." Dad said.

"I've always said Steven could be a cult leader." Fallon said. I nodded.

"I can have an extraction team in the jungle before nightfall." Dad said.

"Easy, Rambo. Look, this isn't exactly out of character for Steven. At least we know he's safe. Ish." Fallon said.

"Of course, now he'll be MIA from the charity gala tomorrow for his own foundation, but I can pick up the slack. I guess that's what love is, doing things you don't want to for people who don't quite deserve it." Sam said.

"Well as much as I would love to stay and chat I have a business to open." I said standing up and walking to my room.

" I said standing up and walking to my room

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