brighter than stars.

Start from the beginning

"hyung, i want to talk." donghyuck said, his voice timid, as he stood awkwardly by the door, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand.

taeil returned his gaze to his phone screen and answered coldly, "i am busy right now, donghyuck, we can talk later."

the younger's heart hurted on hearing his favorite person calling him by his full name. boldly, he went ahead and snatched the phone from the elder's hand.

"what the-"

"I WANT TO TALK RIGHT NOW. WHY ARE YOU BEING LIKE THIS HYUNG? DID I MAKE SOME MISTAKE? DID I DO SOMETHING WRONG? ATLEAST T-TELL ME???", donghyuck absolutely hated how his voice cracked at the end. his hands were shivering already and he could feel himself giving up. the week has been terrible for him, the news of his childhood crush dating, the work load, practices with dreamies and then having trouble falling asleep at night. he had enough of it.

"donghyuck, just l-leave. please.", taeil's voice was small, his eyes looking everywhere but the younger's face.

"i won't. not until you tell me what i did wrong.", the younger insisted, tears visible in his eyes. taeil lifted his gaze to meet the younger's. his eyes softened as he came closer and ran a hand through his own hair, dishevelling them.

"you- i thought ignoring you would make it better, make all this confusion go away, but- but hyuck you know i have feelings for you.", the elder confessed in a soft voice, eyes down in embarassment.

donghyuck's heart ached. he thought about all the times he had cried to him about mark, about how he wished someone would love him back, he thought about the times he wished he had something with taeil, something more than just a hyung taking care of him because he had to. he thought about all the days they had spent running around the dorm, laughing their asses of at lame jokes, bowling at itaewon club late at night.

taeil was there for him. on nights when donghyuck cried his eyes out, for mark broke his heart or on nights he was dancing with euphoria, because he won a game against jisung. taeil was always there. and donghyuck loved his presence. more than anything.

donghyuck stared at taeil, the older seemed so lost.

"see, i am sorry, i know its weir-", donghyuck didn't let him finish the sentence and closing the distance betwern them, he cupped older's face and pressed their lips together. taeil froze. unable to process for a moment, before he closed his eyes and gave in.

their lips met, soft and warm against each other. donghyuck's heart pounded in his chest, as he focused on how soft the elder felt against his mouth. his skin, where taeil's hand rested on his waist burnt. he still wasn't sure if he dreamt this moment to life. the kiss was sweet, tender and short, before they pulled away.

"uh-oh.", taeil sighed, his eyes fixed on younger's neck, avoiding eye contact. both of their cheeks were flushed, lips slightly swollen and pink, a smile fighting its way through.

"oh god i have missed you.", hyuck said, as he pulled the elder closer and embraced him in a hug. taeil returned the hug, his arms wrapped tightly around the younger's waist.

"i have missed you more, hyuckie."

they remained like that for a while. donghyucks arms around his hyung's neck and face buried deep in it. taeil's arms firmly on the younger's waist as he pulled him, even closer than possible.

"if you guys are done making out, please help me with the dinner.", jungwoo's voice came through the door. taeil flinched and sprang apart from the younger, but donghyuck's arm remained firm around his neck, their faces deep red.

"sure hyung, am having dinner up tonight anyways." he said, as they both made their way out shyly, hands still locked, like a promise.


"why do i feel like this is a dream?", taeil gulped, his voice small, only audible to the younger beside him.

the pair, after having dinner and playing games for ungodly hours, now laid in hyuck's single bed. their legs tangled, younger's head on taeil's chest, as taeil played with his hair. they just remained like that, neither of them falling asleep.

donghyuck giggled at the elder's question, and taeil's heart swelled with love, he wanted to hear more of it.

"do you want me to pinch you, hyung??", hyuck said, as he adjusted himself and looked up in the elder's eyes. the smiles on their faces growing wider with passing time.

"how about you kiss me instead??", taeil offered, feeling bold.

"damn, you are such a sap.", the younger cooed, their chests shaking with laughter. "moon taeil, in all his glory, asking me to kiss him, when did we changed roles, hyung?"

taeil pushed him off his chest gently, and pretended to be mad, even though he knew he could never stay mad at the younger even if he was a brat.

"awh, come on, you are blushing now, oh my g-", taeil sat up, and hit the younger with a pillow. his face getting redder with passing minute.

hyuck dogded some of the elder's hit and sat up finally, he caught hold of the elders wrist and pulled him in his lap.

"okay. okay. i will kiss you.", he whispered in taeil's ear. taeil hit the younger on his chest with his elbow, shyly.

donghyuck cupped taeil's face and kissed him. this time the kiss was long and relentless, both pulling each other closer. taeil snaked his arms around the younger's neck as donghyuck rested his, on taeil's waist.

when they pulled apart, the elder buried his head against the younger's neck. donghyuck had his one arm wrapped around the elder's waist and other grabbed taeil's free hand. he locked their fingers together and kissed the back of taeil's palm.

"i wish we could stay like this forever.", he whispered, as he placed soft kisses on the elder's hand.

"me too, hyuckie." the older mumbled against his neck, his breath tickling hyuck.

donghyuck felt satisfied and happy. even if days were harder, now he knew taeil will be there for him. whatever it is they have, they will figure it out later. for now he just wanted more of this. more of showering taeil with his love. more of taeil loving him back. more cuddles and soft, tender kisses. every problem he had didn't matter, if only he could come home to this everyday.

"jesus, this is so cringey. for fuck's sake, hyuck, stop forgetting we share a room.", johnny complained, from under the blanket, where he lied on the bed beside hyuck's, a smile evident in his voice.

the couple turned red, but nonetheless laughed at their poor friend, as they threw pillows in his direction to shut him up.


holy shit this was so cringey. bYe-

-henderytiddies (saff)

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