Searching for Arya

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For many days and many nights, Nymeria and the gang searched for Arya without fruit. Lady Stoneheart and Thoros led them through many forests and towns but they found neither the Hound, nor Arya Stark.

Some times Lady Stoneheart would capture some Freys, and hang them for their involvement in the Red Wedding and it's brutal slaughter. One of such was Merrett Frey. The day Stoneheart hanged him, Thoros had taken Tysha and Nymeria and some others into the nearby town to buy some food. When they came back, they saw Merrett hanging from the tree lifeless.

Thoros found no meaning of hanging Freys, but Stoneheart would not stop. She would not cease to hang Freys at all.

Nymeria and Tysha mostly followed Thoros, mostly because Tysha retched when Stoneheart hanged a Frey. Thoros was bent to find Arya, so Nymeria followed him.

One day, they came upon some Brave Companion. Nymeria didn't know what those were, but the man looked Dothraki, and at his thigh hung a huge arakh.

Although he looked fearsome, he was full of fever. Thoros decided to take him to the healer, who looked at him and said, "No."

Thoros sighed. "No healing innocents?"

The healer said, "Why would I ever want to heal Zollo the Fat?"

"Oh," said Thoros. Then he turned to Lady Stoneheart. "What should we do?"

"Question him," she croaked. "And then kill him."

So Thoros did.

Nymeria was at Zollo's heels the whole time, if he meant to escape. Tysha with a dagger in her hand assisted Nymeria.

"Where is Arya Stark?" Thoros began.

"A Stark?" Zollo laughed. "There was a wench in Harrenhal some time ago. Brienne of Tarth, she named herself. With her was Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer. I cut off his hand. The Kingslayer didn't look so fearsome then." He chuckled.

Thoros turned to Lady Stoneheart. "Brienne of Tarth?"

"I sent her to find my daughters," she said.

Thoros turned back to Zollo. "Where did this Brienne go?"

"After Roose Bolton set Jaime Lannister free, Vargo Hoat had her thrown in a bear pit and given a tourney sword." 

Tom snorted at that. "A tourney sword?"

"None other. The wench bit Hoat's ear almost off, and he died of it later. But suddenly Jaime was there, and he rescued the wench."

Thoros said, "Oh. Can you describe Brienne of Tarth?"

But Zollo suddenly stopped. He was staring at Lady Stoneheart. "But... you died." he whispered, his voice soft. 

With a swift stroke, Tysha cut his throat. Nymeria jumped back as Zollo's life blood flew out.

"Brienne of Tarth," mused Lem. "Never heard of her before."

"She's the daughter of the Evenstar," said Anguy. 

"Tarth. Brienne Tarth. What do you know of her, my lady?" asked Thoros.

Stoneheart coughed. "She was in my service." she said, her voice breaking.

"Well, then we ought to find her first, shouldn't we?" said Lem. 

"To hang more Freys?" said Anguy. "I'm out."

"To be honest," Tysha spoke up. Nymeria had noticed her becoming more and more braver since she joined the outlaws. "I don't mind being away from Freys for some time."

Thoros said, "Let us divide up into two factions. Tysha and Anguy, take some people with you and go on to find Arya. The others, stay with me and Lady Stoneheart, so we can find this Brienne of Tarth."

"What about the wolf?" said Harwin.

"She will be going with me. Won't you, Nym?" said Tysha.

Nymeria snuggled up against Tysha's legs.

"See?" Tysha said.

Thoros laughed. "Well, that's decided."

Anguy spoke. "The people who want to follow us, we'll be leaving right now."

Several people stepped up, including the squire Edric Dayne. 

"Let's go!" said Tysha.

And so they separated.

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