Love Blooms In The Hospital (Chapter 20)

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(Tatsumi Port Island)

[Tatsumi Memorial Hospital]

[Chidori's Room]

Mitsuru, Akihiko, and Junpei are in the room

Junpei: Yo, Chidorita!

Junpei greeted Chidori with a smile

Chidori: Don't call me that...

Chidori said little annoyed

Junpei: C'mon, cheer up... I brought you a new sketchbook. I thought your old one might be getting full

Junpei said with a smile

Chidori: That wasn't necessary, Junpei

Chidori replied

Junpei: Heheh, you said my name... I was worried I'd never hear that again

Junpei said and smile at Chidori as Mitsuru and Akihiko sigh

Then Shinjiro came inside the room

Shinjiro: Any luck?

Shinjiro ask 

Mitsuru: She finally started talking. But, nothing useful yet

Mitsuru answered

Akihiko: Well that's a start. So... Why are "YOU" here?

Akihiko ask but before Shinjiro answers Chidori moan in pain

Junpei: Chidori!? Wh-What's wrong!?

Junpei said scared as Chidori started clutching her throat

Akihiko: I get the feeling there's something in here! Is it an enemy!?

Akihiko said looking at Chidori

Shinjiro: Wrong! Get out of the way!

Shinjiro yelled and pushed Junpei and Akihiko out the way and forced the medicine down to Chidori's throat. Chidori then started gasping for air and then became stable

Junpei: Chidori!

Junpei said staying beside Chidori

Shinjiro: Relax... Her Persona just went berserk. It happens

Shinjiro said

Mitsuru: It... Happens?

Mitsuru ask confused

Shinjiro: Were you guys not watching at all? You could see for a second that her Persona was strangling her. They're not like us. They can't fully control their Personas. That's why they need to take suppressants... to keep their Personas from killing them...

Shinjiro answered

Mitsuru: Suppressants...? You know about Strega?

Mitsuru ask confused again

Shinjiro: You'd be surprised what you can learn on the streets, I'll give the doc the right pills... The rest is up to you

Shinjiro said and left the room

Akihiko: Shinji, wait! Hey!!

Akihiko yelled and chase Shinjiro

Chidori: I... I... Junpei?

Chidori said and look at Junpei

Junpei: Th-Thank God...! I thought you might be...

Junpei said scared thinking Chidori might die

Chidori: Why do you look so scared? Death is nothing to be afraid of...

Chidori said not even fearing the word "Death"

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