Invisible // Mashton

Start from the beginning

“A-ashton.” Michael’s shirt is too big rather than too small like most of them and it makes him look skinnier than he probably is.

“Hi Ashton, you’re new here right?” Ashton nods and before he knows it, Michael’s pulling him over to a table and sitting down.


Fast forward a month and a half and Ashton has found himself absolutely amazed by the blue haired boy. He now spends every lunch break in the break room with Michael, talking and laughing and getting to know him better. Michael is one of the most popular people working at the hotel and everybody seem to love him, co-workers, guests and bosses all love him, and occasionally they’re joined by other people. Ashton doesn’t mind this, not at all, but he prefers the times when it’s just him and Michael.

“Ashy!” Ashton can’t help but smile at the nickname and he turns around, finding Michael almost running down the wall towards him. “I missed you so much!” the moment Michael reaches him, he wraps his arms around Ashton and pulls him in for a hug.

“I was only gone for a few days jeez.” Ashton says, laughing as he breathes in Michael’s smell, perfectly happy with where he is.

“I know but a weekend is such a long time.” Michael whines, resting his chin on the top of Ashton’s head.

“it really isn’t though.” Ashton points out and now it’s Michael’s turn to laugh as he lets go of the smaller boy.

“whatever. I’ll see you at lunch yeah?”

“of course.” and with that, Michael turns around, leaving Ashton to stare at his blue head as he disappears down the hall.

Lates that day, when he enters the break room, Ashton finds Michael sitting at their usual table along with a tall, blonde boy.

“Ashton! This is Luke, you know Luke right?” Michael smiles when Ashton appears, sitting down next to him, and Ashton nods. He’s talked to Luke a few times and he likes the guy, he seems nice enough.

“Hi.” Luke smiles at Ashton before going back to talking to Michael about something that apparently happened in the kitchen earlier. From what Ashton understands, Luke works with washing the dishes down there and from the sound of it, it’s the best job one can have. Now, Ashton’s not saying he’s wrong, but he doesn’t understand why anyone would want to work there when you can spend your days actually meeting people and helping them, but that’s just him.

The break passes by with the three of them talking about anything that comes to mind and it’s all going find, Ashton’s really warming up to Luke, but Michael soon has to leave, leaving Ashton and Luke alone, and after that things get a bit...different. They’re still talking and Ashton’s really starting to like Luke, but it’s when he accidentally mentions his nickname for the blue haired boy and Luke immediately picks up on it that things starts to feel weird. It almost makes Ashton regret telling Luke about it.


The three of them eats together for the next three days and Ashton often finds himself listening to Michael and Luke having the kind of conversations he used to have with the green eyes boy, the kind that would have Calum, on the rare occasions when he dropped by, tell them to just get married already, while he sits there in silence, stirring his coffee. He doesn’t really mind though, since he’d give everything to get to hang out with Michael and since he really really likes Luke as well. It’s just that he often feels left out, and the fact that neither of them makes any effort to bring him into the conversation makes it worse.

And then came the day when Ashton was a bit late to the break room, having been held up after helping a lady with getting a cab. He entered the room as usual but something makes him stop when his eyes land on the two boys by the table in the corner. They’re talking about something that appears to be very funny, because Michael’s about to fall off his chair from laughing so hard. Ashton sighs, something breaking inside him, and turns around to leave. It’s always been like this, he always finds someone and gets really close to them just to then realise that they’d be perfectly fine without him. Ever since he was twelve and his best friend at the time told him to fuck off, he’s been looking for someone to call his best friend, someone who’d always pick him over everyone else, someone who’d make him feel like he really belonged. He thought he saw that in Michael, but then Luke came along, even though Luke’s probably known Michael for twice as long as Ashton has, and everything changed. Ashton realised that Michael would be fine without him and it hurt him more that he expected. And so he left.


A few days passes by. Ashton spends his time alone, sitting on the roof while eating, hoping he’ll be able to forget, or at least get over, the realisation he had. Michael hasn’t been asking for him, from what he’s heard, and neither has Luke.

“They probably haven’t even noticed.” Ashton whispers to himself, sighing. He’s never been one to tell someone when he’s feeling down. Instead, he just leaves, hoping someone will notice that he’s gone and come looking for him, show him that they care. That, of course, never happens. That’s just how it is, it’s something he’s been trying to accept for years. People don’t care. He’s no one’s first choice, he’s just someone they hang around with until someone better comes along.

And if he’s being perfectly honest, he doesn’t blame them. He’d do the same.

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