"Hello, Rose!" The twins said behind her.

She turned around, "Busy, I see."

"Always." Fred said.

"Where is everyone? I thought you had to stay together?" George asked.

"Well...I just needed time on my own," she shrugged, "besides, the least they could do is understand. I mean besides being in the Order, I've already received a letter from the Ministry."

"For what?" They asked in unison.

"Auror training."

"Are you mad?" Fred crossed his arms.

"No. What he meant to say was, you're not taking it right?" George asked.

"Well..I don't know. Why shouldn't I?" Rose asked.

"Because Ro, it's far more dangerous out there than it has been in years." Fred said as he and George pulled her aside, "it's not the same as it used to be."

"As much as we would enjoy you to do that, we're not even sure you want to." George added.

Fred nodded, "what's you're reasons?"

"Well...I-I don't know. I mean it could keep me distracted."

"Distracted? From what?" George asked.

"Because the things I want, I can't have. And now the things I've never thought about want me. So why not see what it's worth?"

"Is this about Lupin?" Fred asked.

"Of course not. I wouldn't do something for a man or even because one told me so. I would do it for my own good."

"Rose! Where have you been?" Mrs. Weasley strutted over, "you've had me worried sick!"

"Though, I explained to her why she shouldn't have. Isn't that right, Molly?" Mr. Weasley said.

"The least you could've done is tell us something!"

"Mum..." Ginny said, "She was upset. Haven't you ever walked away to be alone once in a while?"

Mrs. Weasley seemed to have calmed down, "right, yes. Of course I have. I'm sorry dear. It's just, hard times. Stressful times is more like it. At least you came straight here, right?"

Rose nodded.

"Ok, ok. That's good."

"Where did you go?" Harry asked as Mr and Mrs. Weasley walked away to talk with Fred and George.

"Besides mum, we've been worried too." Ron said.

"I saw Draco and his mother at the book store...She said Remus and I should've died that night..." Rose said, "So I walked away before it could escalate any further."

"Harry, let us show you something," Fred and George pulled him to the back.

"What's that?" Hermione wandered over to a pink section filled with small pink heart shaped bottles. Rose instantly recognized them as love potions.

"Maybe you should've let things escalate." Ron whispered.

"Why?" Rose asked.

"Because, it would've been nice to see her thrown into Azkaban too. Just so she could shut up about reuniting with her husband." Ron chuckled.

"That's awful, Ronald!" Rose said, "I mean, I would be just as angry as her if I was in that position. Imagine your wife being thrown into jail and not being able to see them, kiss them, even hold them. The one person she's known to love for years is gone..."

"Fred and George were right...you're sure do know how to make us feel guilty."

"I didn't mean it...She's probably scared too. I mean, I saw something on Draco's arm."


"I couldn't make it out but his sleeve uncovered some of his wrist. That's part of the reason why I wanted to get out of there but I was still too angry."

"Wait, which arm was it?"

"Left, I believe. But it could mean anything. Let's not jump to conclusions."

"What else is there to conclude? I mean his father is a Death Eater, and now he's locked up. What if You-Know-Who wants to fill in the space?"

"I doubt so...I don't want to think about that."

"Hello, ladies!" The twins walked over, "nice to see you're enjoying our love potions." Fred said.

"But by what we've heard, Ginny's already good in that section." George teased.

"What do you mean?" Ginny put the bottle down.

"Well aren't you dating Dean Thomas?" Fred smiled.

"It's none of your business." Ginny walked away.

"And you, Ro? Maybe you could drop some into Lupins tea. Might, spice things up." George laughed.

Ron looked at them confused, "why Lupin?"

Then it hit Rose, he and Harry never found out about Remus.

"Yes, George. Why Lupin?" Rose crossed her arms at the twins.

"Suggestion!" They both said.

"Oh, I was about to say." Ron laughed.

"Oh shut it." Hermione rolled her eyes, "you have no sense of anything anymore."

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