Of course, I knew it wasn't entirely her fault. They has willingly sacrificed themselves in order to defeat Belos and save the Boiling Isles. It didn't change the fact that they were gone. 

I heard a knock downstairs. My legs trembling, I leaned against the wall for support and made my way down. Opening the door, I was greeted by the sight of a very tired-looking white haired witch. "Hey Amity."

I glanced down, avoiding her eyes. "Come on in."

She walked inside, taking a seat at the couch in the living room. The warm fire that usually resided in the hearth was gone, only ashes remaining.

Luz folded her hands neatly in her nap, leaning awkwardly against the backrest. "So... what did you need to talk about?"

I sat down next to her. "Almost 8 months ago you killed Emperor Belos. He's dead." Letting out a shaky breath, I felt my hands tremble in my lap. "Even though he's gone it's like... He's still alive."

Luz looked at me strangely. Before she could open her mouth to say anything I stuttered quickly, "A-and I know that's weird, but I keep having these dreams and it's almost like he's reaching out for me, always coming back to try kill me. I'm freaking out here Luz, seriously, I don't know what else to do! I barely get any sleep, my grades are dropping, and it's like I'm paranoid all the time!" I sobbed hysterically. "I don't know if he's actually still alive or not and I hope to god not because that would really suck because then my family would have died for nothing and-"

I was cut off by Luz who put one warm hand over my mouth. She gazed at me tiredly. "Come here." 

Opening her arms, she raised her eyebrows. With fat, hot tears threatening to spill from my eyes I threw myself into them, burying my face into the crook of her neck. This girl, the one that ended a tyrant's hundred year reign while also killing my last living relatives, held me as poured out all my feelings from the last several months.

Stroking my hair, Luz held me gently and said nothing. My body shuddered at her touch, wanting to melt into it but at the same time hating that she was alive while my parents weren't. After a while we broke apart, with me still sniffling. Luz was quiet for a moment, before murmuring, "Come by my place tomorrow. I want to show you something." 

I looked down at my hands for a few seconds before answering. "...You're not going to hang out with Gus and Willow or something?"

She shook her head. "I told them I was busy this weekend. You're not the only one suffering." Looking down at her hands, Luz clenched them tightly. "I know... I know that you didn't have the best parents. Not all the time, anyways. And I hate that when you were finally able to forgive them, Belos took that away. They sacrificed themselves to save me. To save you." I glanced up.

"It's not your fault." The words were bitter in my mouth, even though my brain knew it was true it still felt like stabbing a thousand white hot rods into my heart. Luz gently lifted up my chin with her hand, forcing me to look her in the eyes. 

"Amity. Don't tell me that. I know it's not true." She said firmly, mouth set. Dropping her eyes, she sighed and let her hand fall down. "You walk through life with a iron wall around yourself. You force yourself to be strong and perfect all the time. No one is perfect, not even you. It's okay to let yourself be vulnerable." Those words echoed in my head. The last words my father, the only person I could let my guard down with, had said before he had died. Luz's voice became muffled, and I didn't catch the rest of what she said.

"Amity? Hey Amity..." The world tipped and swayed. My vision became blurred and I felt myself fall forward, unable to lift my arms to stop myself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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