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(First time)
A and b had been dating for a while and the two have made out a few times but that was it as B had never done it before so they were a little scared to go any further and A respected that. One day the two were kissing when B pulled away asking A if they could do it. A agreed and promised to be gentle with them.

• A was in class when he started his heat a little sooner then he thought he was. He had rushed out of the classroom and went to the bathroom. B was an alpha and had smelt A's sweet scent when he had walked out of the class. He got up and walked out of the classroom, following the smell of A. He went into the bathroom and smirked when he had heard A.

(Little brat)
• A and B had decided to go out shopping for a few things like clothes and stuff. A had decided to be a little brat and misbehave while the two were there. B had soon got tired of it so he grabbed A's hand and lead him to the car. "You are in for it when we get home" B said to his lover.

•A had started hanging out more with one of his friends. B wasn't the biggest fan of it but didn't say anything as he knew A would tease him about being jealous. One day the other had started flirting with A and B had seen them. B had enough and had grabbed A's hand and pulled him into their shared bedroom and pinned him against the wall. "Seem like someone forgot who they belong to~" B said. 

• A was sitting on the couch talking to a few of his friends with B on his lap. B had gotten bored so he decided try something. He had moved one of his hands to B's crotch and slowly rubbed him through his pants. B blushed a light pink and tried to act like nothing was happening between the two. "You better stop" B whispered to A.

(Phone sex)
• A had went left on a mission and wasn't going to be back for another week. B didn't enjoy the idea as he had felt needy after a few days without A. He grabbed a toy(your choice;) and used on himself as he called A. He moaned into the phone as he wanted him to hear how needy he was for A.

-More to be added-

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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