Chapter 1 Dreams

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Thrid: POV

We see a snake crawling through the undergrowth, An old man lights a gas oven with a match, he is preparing food he notices a light on in the large house opposite, he stops whathe's doing and walks to the door "Bloody kids"he says he leaves the house and heads towards the light the old man is wandering up to the house carrying a lit torch he opens the front door inside is just as dark. He begins climbing the stairs, we hear whispers and hushed voices coming from upstairs the old man waits outside the room where the conversation is taking place and listens on "How fastidious you have become Wormtail. As I recall, you once called the nearest gutter pipe home. Could it be that the task of nursing me has becoming wearisome for you"Voldemort says "Oh no no no my Lord Voldemort. I only meant... perhaps if we were to do itwithout the boy.."Wormtail says "NO! The boy is everything, it cannot be done without him and it WILL be done exactly as I say"Voldemort says.

"I will not disappoint you my lord"Says a man "Good. First, gather our old comrades send them a sign, "Voldemort says a snake slithers past the old man and into the room and up the armchair "Nagini tells me the old caretaker is standing outside the door"Voldemort says Wormtail stands in the doorway and looks at the old man. The old man looks terrified "Step aside Wormtail so I can give our guest a proper greeting Avada Kedavra!"A loud spell is cast and Harry and Y/n wakes up in a flash of panic Y/n gets out of her bed and walks downstairs rubbing her eyes "Y/n dear do you wake boys"Mollys says Y/n looks at Molly with a smile "Harry's here?"She asks Molly nods and Y/n runs to her brothers room and she opens the door to see Harry in a cold sweat she goes to his side "Harry?!"She whispers and he sits up and looks at her and hugs her she hugs back and rubs soothing circles on his back.

They pull apart and Hermione walks in "Harry, Y/n"Hermione says smiling happy to see her best friends she looks to Ron who is still asleep "When did you get here?"Y/n asks "Just now. You?"Hermione asks Harry "Last night"he answers Hermione goes over to Ron's bed "Wake up. Wake up Ronald!"Hermione says and Ron wakes up and covers his already covered chest "Bloody hell"Ron says "Honestly. Get dressed, and don't go back to sleep. Come on Ron! Your mother says breakfast's ready"Hermione says walking downstair.

Y/n walks down the stairs only to be draged into the living area by Ginny and Ginny puts her finger to her own mouth to show that they should be quiet "What?!"Y/n whisper yells "I need to tell you something"Ginny says Y/n raises her brow as to make Ginny continue and Ginny takes a deep breath "I'm Bi like Bisexual"She whispers Y/n look at her Sister shocked and smiles "That's great I will suport you even in death"Y/n says hugging her adoptive sister tight.

Harry: POV

We are walking away from the burrow to I don't really know "Where are we actually going?"I ask Ron "Don't know. Hey Dad! Where are we going?"Ron asks Mr. Weasley "Haven't the foggiest, keep up!"Mr. Weasley says and we walk to a tree where a man stands "Arthur! It's about time son"the man says "Sorry Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start. This is Amos Diggory everyone, he works with me at the ministry"Mr. Weasley says and a boy I see Y/n talk to from time to time jumps down from the tree "And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?"Mr. Weasley says shaking his hand "Yes sir"Cedric says and Y/n comes to my side and we smile at each other which makes me blush 'God her dimples and everything is just...PERFECT' I think and I don't notice until now that we're staring at each other and I turn hearing someone walk up to us "Merlin's beard, you must be Harry Potter and Y/n Black Gryffindor Windsor" Amos says.

"Oh ehm please just call me by one of them"Y/n says with a smile shaking his hand "Yes sir"I say "Great great pleasure"He says to us and I shake his hand "Pleasure to meet you too sir"I say and we walk trying to catch up with the rest we walk on up a hill "That's it sir, just over there"Mr. Weasley says "Shall we? We don't want to be late"Amos says and everyone stands around a boot "Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?"I ask Y/n I don't know why I always ask her though "That isn't just any old manky boot mate"Fred says "It's a portkey"George says and everyone lays down a circle putting their hands on the boot so I lay down too "What's a 'portkey'?"I whisper to Y/n who just smirks at me "After 3. One... Two..."Amos starts countig down "Harry!"Y/n says taking my hand with hers putting them on the boot.

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