I froze for a moment.

After what happened to our elder brother, the once favored son, we've all feared the same fate befalling us for some wrong. Angels are perfect beings, yes, but we do make mistakes sometimes. Sin is possible for everyone. That was proven when He and his followers fell from Heaven.

"Nobody wants the same fate as Lucifer." I growled.

"Then let him die, Haziel." Ouriel spoke in a monotone.

I bit my lip.

"What if he doesn't punish me...?" I mumbled.

"Haziel, you're too arrogant." Ouriel spoke, frowning.

"You all say that." I scoffed.

I'm amongst the youngest of angels. I wasn't created until after Lucifer and his followers fell from heaven. Because of that I'm treated like a child. Partly because I am, and partly because Ouriel has the arrogant pride of an elder sibling.

"It's true, Haziel. You're arrogant. You're disobedient!" Ouriel spoke.

I fell quiet.

"It's a wonder He was so merciful the last time you disobeyed! Don't do it, Haziel!"

I stayed silent, turning away from my brother.

"Do not bring what happened in the past up." I growled. "Don't hold that over me, Ouriel. You do not judge me, God, and only God can judge me." I hissed.

Ouriel stood silent, stunned, I imagine. I'm usually the quiet one who takes everything that my elder siblings give me. But I draw the line at him bringing up what I did in the past. It's my business and God's. Nobody else's.

I don't enjoy thinking about what I did. It was an error in judgement. A mistake that I very well could have been cast down for. I'm lucky that God didn't cast me down.

Not a day goes by that I don't regret it.

I caused his death. It was my fault.

A frown grew on my face as I thought about him.

"You know--" Ouriel began.

"Shut up Ouriel!" I hissed, storming off. "You don't get to judge me! You don't get to bring that up!" I yelled. "I know what I did, Ouriel! I should have been struck down the way Lucifer was!" I cried, voice trembling.

"It was wrong." I whispered. "I was wrong." I finished.

"Haziel..." Ouriel began, voice gentle.

"Shut up!" I sobbed. "Just stop! I know what I did! I know I'm not perfect!" I cried, furiously wiping the tears away from my cheeks before he would see them.

Flashback end


I scrunched my face up, not liking the feeling I was getting.

Jasper? I wondered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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