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Rheas pov
I was walking down the hallway after 1st period with my friends grace and Sophie, Sophie is just white but I like her and grace is Cuban like me so I count her as my bestfriend she my Mejor amiga. We all are pretty close but whenever I speak Spanish to Sophie by accident she gives me a really funny looking face like usual but it more confused but yeah, my mami is a vet and my papi is in Portugal with his new wife 'madison' such a white name right? And my abuela does live with us and shes very straight forward we all think my little brother Mateo is her favourite obviously she calls him her papito but I'm fine with it I'm her femenina.
Back to what I was saying, Me and the girls were walking down the hall after 1st period me and grace went to our lockers which were near each other so we had to leave Sophie
"Bye soph, she you later?" I asked her with a smile on my face
"Yeah in 3rd period, bye grace,Rhea" she said with a small wave and left, me and grace went to our lockers and grabbed our history books we had the same classes together today as we were going to class I seen someone in the hallway and I saw his shoes they were really cool,
"Nice shoes," I said to the brown hair boy
He nodded his head
"Thanks, I'm Alex by the way."
I smiled "Rhea, see you around alex, adiós,"
"Wait your Spanish?" The brown eyed boy asked
"Yeah..well no I'm Technically Cuban," I said rambling
"Really same," alex said with a smile
"Cool! Um well Alex if I'm late to class my teacher will give me la bota I will see you later?" I asked with a smile
"Sure maybe we can go to a movie?" He said with a grin
"Sure let me ask my cuban mom and abuela if I can go to a movie with a boy" I said sarcastically
Alex laughed
Rhea said "But sure I'll come I'll meet you there around 6?"
Alex said while grabbing his geography book "Sure,"
I walked away with a smile on my face.


After school (I'm just going to do the whole story in first person but maybe 2nd person while speaking to other people)
I got home to our house it's not big but it's not small it's average my papi still gives my mom money for looking after me and she goes to THERAPY and that's for the loca pocoas which technically means the locos for us Cubans but me and my abuela are okay with it.
"Abuela I'm home," I shouted while I slammed the door while walking in
"Ahh femenina, your home" she said walking from her room
"Uh abuela, can I go out tonight?" I asked with a innocent smile
"With who, and is your mom okay with it," she asked with her Spanish accent
"Uh this boy.." I started to say Alex's name but abuela interrupted me
"Ohoho who's this boy? Is he cuban?" She started rambling
I laughed "yes he's Cuban, surprisingly and his name is Alex Alvarez"
"Wait Alvarez, is his mami called Penelope and abuela called Lydia?" She said with a very interested look
"Uh I don't know I'll ask, so can I go? Please abuela I'll be home by 8:30 ish" I asked with an other innocent smile
"Sure I'll tell your mother when she comes home,only because he's cuban tho! And you need a date for you quinceañera" she said with a smile
I hugged her "Thank you abuela but I'm not meeting him until 6 and I don't know if we I'll get together or be together for then."
Then we Heard the door open and it's my brother mateo walked in from school
"Ah papito your home," my abuela said moving towards him giving him a hug
"Hey abuela, oh hey Rhea," mateo said with a smile
"Yeah hi, I'm going to go get ready," I said standing up from the couch
"Ready for what?" Mateo asked with a smirk
"Out with a friend" I said giving him a serious look
Mateo gave me a look "Who?"
Rhea said with a smile, "a guy"
"Name, Rhea I need a name," he said
"Oh my gosh! Fine it Alex Alvarez okay!," I said in a huff
"Wait Alex Alvarez he hangs out with the popular kids, why's he hanging out with you,"
I looked at him and walked away to my room and got ready.



Thanks for reading this the 'date' is in the next chapter hope you like it give me some ideas


One day at a time-Alex Alvarez जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें