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Sunoo hated going to the national skating competition held every fourth of december. He had no idea why, but he hated it. Something about the competition taking place in those arenas just bothered him. About how the chilly air would bite on his skin despite wearing three to four layer of clothing or how those girls below the ages of thirteen would squeal over some dude in a satin jumpsuit. How aggravating.

His mother actually would make him go. She probably wanted to use the 'bonding time with my son' as an excuse to trick Sunoo into going with her. It's technically bonding but not exactly. His mother would bounce and cheer endlessly while Sunoo was all tucked up in the corner, shielding his ears from his mother's deranged side of fangirling.

One of the reasons he hated going.

"Uhh, hello? Sunoo? Are you even listening?" Jaebeom called out, waving his hand in front of Sunoo whom shook his head. They were walking on the sidewalks leading back to their neighborhood a few steps away. With his hand tightly gripping onto the shoulder straps of his bag, Sunoo puckered his lips. "Sorry. What did you say?"

Jaebeom rolled his eyes. "I was talking about the skating competition this Friday. I heard the contestants are younger than last year. It's scary." He bit his lower lip and whip his gaze over to the cars that sped by. "Sadly, I won't be watching since my dad is planning to take me to daegu to visit my grandma."

Sunoo twisted his head to face Jaebeom, the despondency prominent. "What? You're kidding. Jaebeom you should come, convince your dad or something. You're like the only reason why I'd be willing to go." His voice softened. Jaebeom turned to Sunoo with a frown.

"Sunoo, you know my dad. If he decides, he does it and there's no way out of it. He'd get mad at me." Jaebeom pouted and rested his hand on Sunoo's shoulder. "I'm sure you'll be fine with your mom alone."

"I hope."

Jaebeom smiled.

The duo finally arrived by Jaebeom's house and eventually bid each other goodbye. A sigh passed onto Sunoo's lips. He's walking home alone again and honestly, he hated that too. Although the neighborhood both Sunoo and Jaebeom lived in is safe enough for a child to walk alone and that the district is strictly patrolled by the guards spotted at every end of the place, Sunoo didn't have to worry, but he still hated walking alone.

He just didn't want to be lonely.  Sunoo just didn't want want to admit it.

When he arrived back on his humble home, the sounds of sizzling greeted the boy as he slipped off his shoes and set them by the side. It seems like his mom was cooking steak for dinner. The competition was near so it's pretty normal for his mother to make mouth-watering meals by then.

The nine year old Sunoo made his way over to the table and sat patiently.  His mother danced over to the songs played on her phone. It's nice seeing her happy. Especially with the competition this friday which is four days from now.

As much as he wanted to stay home and go with his dad on his work trip, he'd feel bad for his mother going alone and as much as possible, Sunoo didn't want to see even a small frown on his beloved mom's face. That's enough to make him guilty for the next three months and he wouldn't want that.

"Welcome home love! How's school? The competition is near!! I'm so excited, I've already bought tickets~" The mother beamed, closing the stove and plating the freshly cooked steak along with a large portion of rice they'll feast on in a bowl. She strode to the dinner table and placed them down.

"School was fine. And that's good. Very near." Sunoo didn't want to seem uninterested. His mom is a living lie detector so she'd know by a split second that he's not as thrilled as his mom. He learned that through the hard way.

When her mother took a seat across from Sunoo, she reached for her phone and shoved it in front of the poor boy. "Look! look! look! The contestants are younger. Sunoo, you should apply next year!"

Sunoo nearly choked on the steak. "What? No!"

"Yes. I'm enrolling you to skating classes next year." His mom cooed while the boy's jaw dropped.

"Mamaaa. I don't want skating. I wanna be a singer." Sunoo pouted and nibbled the tiny piece of sliced steak in a brood manner.

"Nope! You will be! I will have my son be one of the well known figure skaters! Make sure you give me a free spot." 



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