The summer

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" you are y/n Lavendger, and the story is written in your perspective "

I'm laying on my bed, trying to catch up on the school work as it's only 1 week til I transfer to Hogwarts. I will start my fourth year, and get selected by the had once again.... Hope not Slytherin. I turned the book page, it was about Amortentia.

~ A love spell making anyone, anywhere fall in love with you if contacted with. Be careful.....

I read as my mother entered the room.
- Honey we are leaving in half an hour. Be kind enough to pack your stuff, you will be spending the week over at a family, the Malfoy's. We have some....

She stopped talking, a nervous and scared look appears on her face, as if she had said enough.

- Business to attend. She continued.

I nodded in agreement, closed my book and headed to my wardrobe. " the Malfoys...Malfoy's? Nope never heard of them " I though as I packed my clothes and necessity's. I wonder who they were, and that they were kind. Maybe I could make my first friend before school?

- Honey we are leaving! Mom yelled
- Coming! I responded, heading down the stairs into the car

I went over my thing once again; a bikini, dress,PJ's, toothbrush, undies. I checked of everything, we were ready to leave.

After about an hour we pulled up to a wonderful green garden, with a large back house in the middle of it. It was like a fairy tail, amazing! I though, completely amazed. Mom helped me pull out my suitcase, and we headed to the door.

- Y/n listen carefully now. These people are powerful in this place, one wrong move and it could be the end of us. It's important you are on your best behavior, NO SILLINESS!
- Okej mother, I responded. I had a past with getting into trouble quite a lot, I was everywhere and nowhere, always pulling pranks and breaking stuff.

I rolled my eyes at the comment mother had just said, everyone likes a good time.

I turned around, now we both faced the door. Mother took up her right hand knocking on the door three times; knock...knock...knock

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