OC #2 - Jessie

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Name: Jessie 

Nicknames: Jess

Age: 22

Sexuality: Straight

Looks: Jessie is average-looking girl, medium, straight, brown hair flowing freely and emerald green eyes always looking out for her friends and standing at 5'6.

Clothes: She usually wears anything. She isn't too picky about her clothing choices, but she usually wears something green due to it being her favorite color.

PersonalityCalm, Rational, Caring, Selfless, Honest, Loyal, Trusting, and Funny

LikesPlaying games, watching movies, being an overseer, Axel, Kelly, Alice, Max, Wyatt, her friends, keeping the worlds safe, pranking the others

Dislikes - People who harm the worlds, her friends getting hurt, getting pranked by others, innocent people getting harmed

Weapons/Abilities - Jessie is able to make shields and barriers that are extremely tough to breakthrough. She can manifest these shields in many different ways. She can make a barrier outline around people, bubble shields, extremely precise barriers in the air, and many other different types of these shields or barriers can be made.


Role: Overseer

Jessie never really had that much of unordinary life. She lived with her family consisting of her father and mother. When she was going to school, she realized that there was something that differentiated her from everyone else. When she would trip and fall to the ground, it wouldn't hurt. In fact, sometimes she would look at where an injury should be only to see that there was a small little shape of green there. She would see this when she should have gotten an injury. She decided to experiment on this by taking a knife and attempting to lightly stab her hand to not hurt herself majorly. When she tried to stab her palm, a strange, small green shape protected her palm. She started to push the blade a little harder and the circle started to crack a little bit. She pulled the knife away and decided to show her parents. They were extremely impressed by this ability of hers but decided to keep it secret from everyone. 

There was an overseer assigned to this world who saw this ability and was quite impressed. He reported to his superiors and they responded by having him go to Jessie and recruit her to be an overseer because the annihilators would attempt to kidnap her. The overseer went to Jessie and her family and explained who he was, what the Overseers and Annihilators are, saying how Jessie has an ability that the Annihilators want in order to destroy or enslave worlds. and finally how he needs to recruit Jessie as an overseer before the Annihilators kidnap her and either make her join them or just take her power. He did say that the choice was entirely up to Jessie. After a long time of thinking, Jessie finally decided to join the Overseers promising to visit often. Her parents wished her well and the overseer took her to the world of the Overseers.

Jessie was officially turned into an overseer and she noticed a change in herself and the shield around her body. She felt so much stronger and faster and the shield was now a lot tougher than before. She trained physically first because she didn't want to rely on her magic for everything, afterwards she learned how to use her shields better. She was able to manifest them in different ways and they were a whole lot tougher. She also learned how to use a few weapons and learned other magic spells, but because she wasn't born with those powers or techniques, and not a natural at it, she wasn't as skilled. She ended up meeting a man named Wyatt who was someone whose company she really enjoyed. They met many other overseers, but Wyatt and two others named Alice and Axel really stood out to her. They then got assigned a new world with another overseer named Kelly and have always been friends ever since. Jessie now wants nothing more than to protect her family, friends, and all innocent lives within the world.

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