“Have you seen my boots? I could never seem to find them.”

He walked over to where she was and turned her to him. They were facing each other now.

“Em, the truth please. We’ve never lied to each other, so don’t start now. If this has something to do with what happened between us then…”

“Jules, don’t.”

“Don’t what!? We can’t ignore what we did. It’s not like it’s forbidden. I know there’s never been anyone like us before. At least not on record. We’re friends, and what we did wasn’t wrong. We care about each other.”

Why did he have to be so nice to her? Why couldn’t he just be like all other guys who didn’t call or text after they had gotten what they wanted.

 But no. Julian wasn’t like that. He was considerate, nice, and took responsibility for his actions. He’d had to grow up fast. 

She had watched him grow into such a great man. How could she put more pressure on him? But he did have the right to know. He was the father after all…

“Emma, please.” There was pleading in his voice.

Her emotions started up again and she felt her face wet. Tears had started to form and slid down her face. 

It seemed it had matched the now rain drops on her window. One moment it had been bright and sunny. Now it was cloudy and raining. Ironically matching her situation.

“Jules, that night we were together...something happened. Something that we did. God, how did this happen? You need to know that my sickness isn’t just some bad food poisoning.” 

The words couldn’t escape her mouth. Why wasn’t he getting the clues she was saying?

“Yesterday, I wasn’t just out. I went to see a mutual friend of ours."  Clary Fairchild-Herondale, now. 

"Anyways, I felt like she was the only person that I could talk to about this. She does have some experience after all. I never thought that I would need help knowing something so mundane. But I don’t have my mom here with me to help understand these things. And Clary is like an older sister to me. We bought a test and it came back positive.”
“Positive for what?”

“Jules, I know you’re not that dense.”

“A positive test for...wait. Emma, are you...are you saying that you’re, we’re…”

She nodded her head. Waiting for his reaction. Something other than confusion. 

It seemed like forever that he reacted. But in reality it was more of a minute.

His face morphed into happiness and joy. And he was smiling, so much that she thought his grin would stretch and tear. 

He moved closer to her and lifted her up. Swinging her around.

Setting her down gently he touched her face with his hand.

Leaning into it she felt more relaxed and comforted. 

Her secret was out and she was so relieved.

“Emma, you should’ve told me sooner.”

“I just found out myself. And it’s all happening so fast. I’m already feeling the symptoms. As you could see from a few minutes ago.” She pointed to the bathroom.

“Are you okay?”

Thinking really hard about the question. She realized that she hadn’t been. But now that he knew, she felt more assured of her situation. As long as he was by her side she could do this. Maybe, just maybe.

“I do now. As strange as it sounds. I’ve been so tense lately. My emotions have been so out of wack. I was worried you would figure it out.”

“I knew something was wrong. I could feel it. Emma, you’re not in this alone. Whatever you decide to do, I will support you one hundred percent.”

Smiling up at him she was glad he knew.

“Thank you. You don’t know how much that means to me.”

“Is there anything I could do? Or get you?”

Her stomach seemed to answer his question.

“Food, right. What would you like?”

“I could really go for some peanut butter and banana pancakes. And maybe some cold lemonade?”

“I could do that. Do you want to go to the cafeteria or should I bring it up?”

Not wanting people to see her eat weird food combos and have them gazing at them with questions she opted for breakfast in bed.

He left and was back so quick that she hadn’t had time to finish her research on her laptop.

She wasn’t that tech savvy. That position went to the twins. Livvy and Ty. The whole Blackthorn family was away visiting some aunt in London. 

Julien had wanted to go but it was just for a week and he had finals. So he let them go with Diana. The institute tutor. Feeling relieved he felt a bit better about letting them go on their own. That didn’t stop him from calling,texting, and facetiming everyday. 

Being away from them wasn’t easy at all. He’d basically had raised them since he was twelve. And now...he’d have another child to take care of.

One that was part him and part Emma. Was he ready for all the responsibility?

The kids were grown already and didn’t need him quite as much anymore. So things for him had become easier. There was less responsibility on his shoulders. 

But this news...it was something he’d always secretly dreamed of; hoped for. 

Now it was becoming a reality. The thought of having something he’d helped create, with Emma. His Emma. A smile went to his face and he couldn’t help it. 

All his life he had put everyone else's needs first. Now that it was his, he felt this overwhelming sensation of joy and happiness. 

Sure there were things that needed to be discussed between them. Things weren’t perfect. 

But this was a small start in the direction that he wanted. 

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