Chapter One - A Normal, Ordinary Life.

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Chapter One

There was one thing in this world that Adria Hopkins never thought she'd ever had to question, and that was that the world was a very ordinary place. She was nothing special, and never had been. She always loved to just be normal, to have a normal and uneventful life with her parents and her siblings.

It made her feel safe, and comfortable to know that in some sort of way she could hide in the life she lived. Truthfully, these types of thoughts were rather unordinary for a girl as young as eleven to think, but that never really crossed her mind.

Her talents lay outside the world of ordinary, though, in fact, her mind was her true real talent. Nothing quite as outstanding than the mind of a child. Especially one with bright eyes of wonder and an imagination that could rule the world...but regardless, she didn't want to rule the world.

She liked normal; it was a solace to herself that she would never grow up to be president of the world. She liked her home. She liked that she lived in the smallest village near the city of Glasgow, but her life was not extravagant enough to truly live in Glasgow.

The only thing to truly set her apart from the kids around her was her brother and the fact that they were twins. They were best friends through and through and practically joined at the hip all of their lives, but she could say that with all of her siblings. All three of them.

Regardless of all of this, only recently did the Hopkins family understand that maybe Adria was not as normal as she very clearly wished to be. Her parents had always thought there was something peculiar about their family home...telling silly stories of ghosts and objects moving throughout the night and turning up somewhere else.

Though, perhaps ghosts had never been the case in the first place.

You see, these thoughts placed in Adria's parents head came around mid-summer between the holidays of Adria finishing her last year at primary school. She'd soon be attending the local town high school around twenty minutes away from their village and she was terrified. It was a rather long way to walk, but her oldest brother Alfie had promised to walk with her and her twin, Benji.

The day that ordinary became unordinary, as said, was in summer. A random day at the end of June when a loud knock filled the home and the family who sat at the dining table for their breakfast seemed rather surprised.

"Well," said Douglas, ready to tuck into the morning eggs he had made for himself and his wife, "I suppose none of you lazy sods will get that."

Angry chatter broke out around the table with baby Alina practically shouting, "I got it last time! It's your turn!"

Baby Alina wasn't really much of a small baby anymore, but due to her shortness in height, the phrase very fittingly stood.

"Oh...hello," said Douglas after messing up his youngest daughters hair when he passed her seat at the dining table and soon made his way to the front door. The man who stood in front of the door seemed nothing short of...peculiar, to say the least.

He was adorned in robes. Dark grey robes that stopped just above his ankles, and atop his head he wore what seemed like a witches hat. Douglas wasn't sure if this was some sort religious thing that he was not aware of, but regardless, he continued, "Can I help you?"

"Oh yes!" exclaimed the stranger. Douglas took note of the two sealed letters that the man had clutched in his left hand, "I am here to deliver some letters to your most humble abode!"

Douglas wasn't sure if this was a joke...or maybe some sort of school event the kids had for Halloween coming up in a few months but alas, his morning had been rather uneventful up until that point, "can I take your name, please?"

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