- . ' III ' . -

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- . ' Tsukkiyama ' . -

Yamaguchi was excited, to say the least. He felt a sense of accomplishment by being asked by his senpais to train with them; hell, he felt accomplished that they simply spoke to him. But he shouldn't be fangirling over that now, he needed to figure out how he was going to get enough confidence to actually say anything during the training.

"Conversation starters? No, those are lame and then they'll think I'm not trying..." The thoughts plagued Yamaguchi until he was infront of the gym and peering into it through the slightly opened door. "No turning back now..."

He took one final look around until he softly knocked on the door, gaining the attention of his four senpais.

"U-um, I..." Yamaguchi couldn't believe it, out of all the times he struggles to speak it had to be now."um..."

"There you are Yams!" Oikawa said cheerfully, waving at the first year. "Come on in, I thought you would've came later but this is better."

Yamaguchi cautiously walked into the gym and towards where Oikawa and Kuroo were practicing serves.

"Glad you could make it bub." Kuroo said as he ruffled the freckled boys hair. "Do you want to practice serves with Oikawa and I or receives with Bokubro and Futakuchi. They could use another helper, but whatever you want."

Yamaguchi looked over to said boys, who had taken notice of the other's presence; looking over and smiling.

"W-well, I do need to work on my receives, so I-I'll go with Bokuto an-and Futakuchi," Yamaguchi responded, looking at the ground with a blush on his face.

Kuroo gave him a pat on the shoulder and sent him off over to where Bokuto and Futakuchi were; Bokuto looking as if he had just won one of those cute, fluffy puppies.

"Hey, hey, hey! Thanks for choosing us
Yama-chan! We just need you to serve the ball to us to receive, then we'll switch over." Bokuto said, excited as ever. He got into position next to Futakuchi; whispering something to him before Yamaguchi threw the ball into the air to serve.

It had been about an hour and Yamaguchi was tired and felt as if he would pass out any second. While he had sharpened up his receives his arms were sore and bruised. Just when he thought he was about to collapse, Kuroo called for a 10 minute break.

"Yama-chan!" Yamaguchi turned to look at Kuroo, giving him a questioning look. "You didn't bring a drink bottle, did you?" Before he could even let Yamaguchi answer, he started pulling him by his wrist. "Let's go and get you one!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2020 ⏰

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