Then he pulled me beside him as he stepped out the car with me trailing behind him ..

Wait why is there a lot of people
Are they waiting for us...?.
I mean my brothers..... are my brothers popular like on a wattpad stories...!


"Get used to it you'll gonna encounter this daily, or should we say be part of your daily routine" Taehyun said

"Hahahhaa, were y'all popular in this school??" I asked

"Yes because of my HanDsOmE facE"
Beomgyu said while forming a check kinda finger putting it on his chin while wiggling his eyebrows...

I giggled at his response

"Ye sure"
I replied sarcastically

"Hey! That is mean, i am sure i got u flustered the other day thats why you choked on your food" He says while feeling annoyed

I immediately felt my cheeks became hot all of the sudden.

For a bit of time we forgot about the crowd that are looking at us or more likely glaring at me.... are they jealous..?

"Oppa who is that girl?!"
They shouted

"I heard she is a transferee infact she transfered here yesterday"
They gossips

??? POV

"That damn girl what is she doing with them!" I said through gritted teeth

"Calm down yuna that girl can't take kai away from you and the rest of them"
The girl with long black-haired said

"Ye just look at her, her fashion taste was- a big no no" The short haired girl said with a disgust look on her face.

"Guys... just don't mind her okay?"
The other girl said

"How can we just ignore her- look she's literally with them!" The girl with narrow eyes said


Phew luckily i went out of the crowd safely.... but my brothers said that they can take care of it.... but what is happening right now...

I asked in my mind while staring at them with the crowd squishing them....ohh so loud.

Lets just get out of here,,,

Maybe this is my classroom lets just wait for kai and taehyun

I walked in then sat on the chair beside kai's chair that is unoccupied right now...then someone walked in,,,  there stood kai

We made an  split eye contact for a second but he looked away then continue to walk towards his seat taht is beside mine..

"Where's the rest?"
I asked him

"Still stuck, but they'll gonna be on there assigned classes when they got out of there" He said while looking at the window

"Ahh" was all i could reply

Then students started to piled in
Then there's taehyun who looked like just have got out of a crisis..

"Hahaha that must be hard.." i said to him while he continued to walk on his assigned seat.

"Ye, i am getting exhausted from those fangirls" he replied

"Ooohhh" was all i could say

Then the door suddenly opens
Our Homeroom teacher stood there.

She walked directly towards her kind of like Podium thing.

"Good morning class, shall we start our lesson for today..?" Ms. Kim says

My Step brothers...[TXT FF]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن