Bubba Wallace

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ASSHAT BLANEY: I TOLD YOU SO. I will see you tomorrow.  

Hannah: GO AWAY! But Thank You!! I owe you one and see you tomorrow.

     After I get done texting Ryan back. I go and pack for the weekend. After packing I change into pjs and get ready for bed. I check my phone one more time before bed and see that I have a text from Bubba   

Bubba Butt❤: I made it home and can't wait to see you again. Goodnight Hannie bear. 

Hannah: Ok, that's good. I can't wait to see you either. I'm exited for our date. Goodnight Bubbs.  

  After I sent that I went to sleep dreaming about Bubba.   

 -----------------------------------------------------RACE DAY--------------------------------------------------------------

     It's race day at Darlington and I've been busy sense I woke up this morning.  Unfortunately I wasn't able to see Bubba before the race to wish him luck because of Ryan's things he had to do. But I can't wait for our date tonight. I have my outfit laid out on my bed wait to be put on. Until then I'm in work mode. As I watch the race go on I can't help but get this bad feeling. As I get this feeling it turns into reality. There is a huge wreck on turn four. Ryan just misses it but Bubba wasn't lucky enough. He is right in the middle of it.  

     He somehow gets turn to where the car rear end is up by the fence and the nose is pointed toward the inside of the track. Then out of nowhere one of the rookie hit him on the driver side. I quickly turn the radio in my had to the 43 station and listen in to see if he is ok. That is when the panic starts. He isn't responding. So I look at the screen n the pit box next to me and see that the med team just got to him. I see that they are helping him out of the car. Relief floods through me. His radio must have broke.   

     I turn my radio back to the 12 teams station and catch Ryan asking if Bubba is ok because he saw the hit in his rear view. They radio saying that he looks ok. And Ryan's says something that I am thankful for. He was talking to me knowing I was listening to him. " Go and check on him Hannah. I can do the after race interviews by myself."  I take his crew chiefs radio to speak to him. "Thanks Ry. I will text you and tell you how his is". I give back the radio and climb out of the pitbox and start running to the medical center. I get there and ask for Bubba and they take me back to him. And I see that he is ok even more relief goes through me. " Thank god your ok. I don't know what I would have done if you would have gotten hurt bad. When I didn't hear you respond back I thought that you were hurt ." I said when I saw him. " I'm ok Han. Just a little whip last and a few bumps and bruises. When I got hit my radio broke so I couldn't and I drop my window net as soon as I could." Bubba said.  

      I waited for Bubba to get cleared and then we went to his bus. We we got in I looked around because it was decorated all nice and pretty. "It was going to be a surprise. I decorated everything this morning before I left and while you was getting ready I was going to order food. For our date." "Its really nice. We are going to have a nice time. I'll order food while you go shower. We can lay in bed and watch a movie and eat. You need to rest after that hit today." I say. " Sounds like a good plan Han. Order what ever you want." He said while heading to the back of his bus. I order some Chinese and I postmated some ice cream. I also texted Ryan and told him Bubba was ok and told him we have a meeting on Tuesday to go over the race. After I did that I put down my phone for the rest of the night. After the food got their for the rest of the night we ate our food and had a movie marathon.   

---------------------------------------------------THE NEXT MORNING------------------------------------------------    


   When I wake up I realize bubba is not in bed with me so I get up and walk into the front f the bus and find him sitting on the couch drinking coffee watching the race from yesterday. I go over and sit next to him and start talking. "How are you feeling?" "I was sore this morning when I woke up. so I took some meds and made some coffee. But I feel better now."  He said. " That's good. Who won yesterday? I don't even know." I asked as I lay my head on his shoulder. " Harvick won. Blaney got 2nd." " That's good." I said. We stay and finish watching the race. " Hey I wanted to ask you this last night but everything got ruined after the wreck" Bubba said. " What is it?" "Will You Hannah Marie Walker be my girlfriend?" He asked me. " Yes William Darrell Wallace Jr. I will be your girlfriend." I answer and then he kisses me. I couldn't be anymore happy than I am now.  Before I knew it I hear a picture being taken. I pull away and see that Ryan fricking Blaney is standing at the top of the staircase to the bus with phone in hand. I didn't even hear the door open.  He says " Oh that is Instagram worthy" "RYAN MICHAEL BLANEY YOU BETTER NOT". I yell as I chase him out and around the bus until he went and hid somewhere.  The rest of the day Bubba and I just relaxed until we had to leave to get my stuff from my hotel and then go home.   

A/N: I hope y'all enjoy this chapter. If y'all want anyone specific comment or Pm me.  

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