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Kenma's POV

im so toxic

shes not gonna forgive me

she doesnt need to forgive me if she doesnt know

she wont know

nobody will

so whys it bad if she specifically doesnt know

shes not special

well, she is

but not in this case

i hate to leave my little kitty clueless

but i dont have much of a choice now do i?


no i dont

"Miyako. I want to talk to you." I forced out a somewhat shy expression.

"Me? What'd I do?" Miyako mumbled.

"Nothing." I sighed, "I just want to talk with you."

"Oooooooh..Miyako's in trouble.." Lev giggled.

"Shut up Lev! Kenma's not mad at me!" She stuck her tongue out and followed me away.

I led her away from our group and my y/n. She seemed more vibrant than I ever cared to notice. It was irritating.

I led her to the opposite side of the school and grabbed her hand.

"What'd you want me here for anyways?" She looked down.

did i fluster her?


"I want you to be my girlfriend." I moved her head with my hand.

She jumped and I lost my grip on her head, "Are you sure you want that?! I mean, I am annoying and dumb and I'm loud and extra and mean and-"

"I see. Do you like y/n?" I asked.

"NO! HELL NO!" She defended

so yes? good to know

"I really like you, Miyako. Please?" I softened my eyes and made them water.

"Oh...well with that kind of expression how could I say no?" She chuckled a little before regaining her composure.

thanks for being such a pushover..

Walking back to the group, I put my arm around her shoulder and noticed her shudder a bit.

am i her first boyfriend?


i hope not

i hope she's a thot just so i won't be her first anything

"Uh...what's going on here?" Kuroo raised an eyebrow.

"She's my girlfriend." These words leaving my mouth made my stomach turn.

"Uh..mmhmm..yeah.." Miyako fumbled her words and looked at her feet.

Y/n...what do you think

are you jealous?

i hope you are

i hope you get so jealous you want to kill Miyako

Attention~ Yandere Kenma X Fem Reader Where stories live. Discover now