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Gwen was in their room watching hentai. It was so karkalisious. Gwen searched for some more great hentai and then their screen went black. And a big fat figure showed. It was eggman. Eggman said in a deep voice "I will fucking dominate you bitch if you don't give me a golden can of Tuna in 3 days." Gwen was scared, not because they're going to be dominated, but they just didn't have any Tuna. Gwen ran out of their house. They ran so far they got lost like an idiot. Gwen found some soft dirt to sleep on when the night came. It was cold as hell. Gwen shivered so much the earth shook. They began to cry like a baby. Then suddenly Gwen felt a hand on their shoulder. It was a blue hedgehog. "Hey kid are you okay?" They asked. Then Gwen got on their hands and knees and said "I will suck your dick, Please just give me your poggers jacket" sonic blushed...this was his chance to get slurped.

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