Jumping Ash

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"Ayo my g,  my brudda, trumpie, you got the shit, we finna jump my bitch Ash Lynx." Sangwoah asked  his best brudda, baddie Trump.

"Yeah homie, I gottchu wit your bat, " Trumpet responded. 

"Ight lets go,"  

Anyways- Sangwoah and his gang (literally only himself and trumpie), pulled up to my boy Ash's house.

"Ash you give us the drugz we leave, if not we finna go brazy on your spaghetti stick lookin ass. " Trump declared trying to be scary to impress his brudda Sangwee. We all know this bitch was shitting himself, like he looks like an over ripe orange. 

"I aint doin that shit no more," Ash said, "Imma live a happy life with my brudda Eiji now, we finna adopt so many cats-" 

Sangwoah was indeed very bored, so he decided to add a little spice to the moment. He swung his bat at Ash's head. 

The bitch fell to the floor, like sir didn't you kill over 20 people and you gonna let Sangwoah kill you...

"He dead," Trumpet stated, "dead as hell."

Eiji ran to the door, "Bruh you killed him,"

"Nah homie, he finna takin a long nap," Sangwoah said, "Sayonora bitch"


"Yo Sangwoah, you lookin mad fine back there killing Ashes" Trumpet said susly. 

"Don't be actin sus Mr. Trumpety," Sangwoo exclaimed, "I'm not gay"

a/n denial is the first step Sangwoah

"Of course g, no homo," Turnip said sadly, of course in reality he wanted Sangwee to break his ankles with that sexy bat of his.


Your boy Ash dead as hell

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