Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about."- Author Unknown

The line between love and hate is a line that is so thin that if feels as if you are at the edge of a cliff and the only keeping you from falling to your demise is a thin rope. I always imagined that my life would be filled with uplifting moments and that I would always be a pillar of strength for those around me. I wish someone would have told me that life was not as easy as TV made it seem. My name is Ellie, and this is my story.

Twelve Years Ago

Ring! Ring! Ring!

The sound of the alarm blares as twelve-year-old Ellie wakes up to get ready for school. Although school is a necessity Ellie dreads having to walk through the halls of Kensington Prep. Her parents always told her that she was smart and beautiful, but the world seemed to disagree. Standing in front of the floor length mirror, she winced at the imperfections standing before her. Her skin was too dark, her hair was not long enough, her teeth was too crooked, and her body just was not small enough. Inside she cried as she thought of how different she seemed from everyone else. Why couldn't she be skinny like her sisters? Why did she have to look so different?

With a sigh she began her morning ritual of bathing and getting ready. It was after 7 when she heard the telltale rattling sounds of the school bus arriving in front of her house, with a quick kiss from her parents she ran outside to the start of another day of her horrid existence. As she walked into the bus, she could not help but to look at the different cliques that were mere representations of society at a whole. In the back were the jocks- aka the future jerks of society-, then there were the preppy girls-aka future beauty queens and mean girls-, then there were the geeks, the misunderstood and then at the front of the bus were those who simply just didn't belong and only existed. With quick steps she found her way to the nearest seat in front because like them, she only existed.

Ellie walked of the bus and stared blankly at the double closed doors, she thought about her 'friends' and the mass cloud of darkness that constantly surrounded her. After sending up a reluctant prayer she immediately put on her "I'm so happy!" smile and walked into the doors of Kensington Prep. As she walked into the doors, she spotted Melissa, Teyana, Royce and Lindy waiting by the staircase. She walked over to them and with a quick hug and smile they gathered their stuff and went to homeroom. Ellie loved her friends dearly, but lately she just felt like she no longer belonged and was simply being held on by a string. Her friends were all beautiful and she was not. She was the "DUFF- Designated Ugly Fat Friend" in the crew, Boys constantly befriended her to find out things about her best friends and honestly it was getting annoying. No one never noticed her or asked her how her day was. Her day went by in a blur of movements, stupid questions and smiles that never quite reached her eyes.

That night after she ate dinner with her family and cleaned the dishes, she ran up to her bedroom to write in her trusted diary.

Dear Diary,

Today was another day of feeling misunderstood and lost. I honestly hate having to go to that god forsaken place 5 days a week to see the same people and to keep feeling this way. Why do my parents have to torture me this way, I am constantly being there for everyone else and no one else is ever there for me?  How can I feel so alone when I am constantly surrounded by so many people? Some days I wish I would just stay asleep and never have to wake up here again.

And to make matters worse, why doesn't Jake notice me? Each day I spend extra time fixing my hair with the hopes that he will notice me but its always Melissa this, Teyana that and I am TIRED and FRUSTRATED! Anyways, we were all invited to his birthday party this weekend, maybe, just maybe, something good will happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2020 ⏰

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