Their father, who sat a infront of his brother in the same manner as the Uzu clan head, was currently wearing the Senju clan traditional robes indicating this meeting must be truly important. Due to everyone else's regal appearances, Tobirama felt a little underdressed in his battle armour.

The aged Uzu leader, a regal man with red hair that has mostly turned white from aging and a goatee, dressed in traditional Uzu robes, spoke up.

"Now that your brother has finally arrived, perhaps we should discuss our contract." Tobirama sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, now a little embarrassed that he was late.

" see...I was..." the Uzumaki Clan leader interrupted him, dismissively.

"It matters not why you were tardy." Tobirama gaped at the old man, a little insulted that he was treated like a child. He heard a snort come from the younger brother and turned to glare at him, only for the old man to clear his throat. "Now, then, why don't we get down to business? What do you say, Senju-kun, to the marriage proposal?"

At this, Tobirama jerked his head towards his brother.

Marriage Proposal? His brother was getting married? Tobirama grinned. 'Huh, sucks to be him. Well, maybe not. That Uzumaki girl does look kind of hot. I mean, even her brother could pass as a cute girl... But still, why did aniki call me here?'

Hashirama's next words answered his question and caused him to stiffen in his seat.

"Yes, Uzumaki-dono. My brother and I would be delighted to take the Uzumaki heir's hands in marriage. An alliance between our two clans would be most beneficial." Tobirama stiffly turned his head towards his brother in question who merely nodded at him. Tobirama couldn't help but stare in shock at the Uzumaki siblings.

He had to get married! He saw the younger Uzumaki turn his head once more to the window and suddenly had a thought. If his brother was to marry the daughter, he had to marry the son.

He shot straight into the air and turned towards his brother.

"What, Aniki? You can't be serious! Why do I have to get married? Besides, there is only one girl! I can't marry a guy! How will I have children?" He knew he was acting childish but there was no way he was going to get hitched to a man, even if he was cute and adorable.

Hashirama glared at his brother, embarrassed by the display of childish behaviour he presented. Before he could scold his brother, the youngest Uzumaki heir spoke up.

"You are obviously stupid if you don't know of our clan's abilities. It is child's play for us to make a seal that can absorb genetic material and create a false womb. Don't worry, your cock will be used for something more productive than just getting you off." Despite the crude things he was saying, the boy's voice was calm and held hidden ferocity. Tobirama was entranced until what the boy said finally sunk in, causing him to glare at the boy.

"Naruto, do not say such rude things. It is unbecoming." His sister lightly scolded him, though her amusement was clear in her voice. The newly dubbed Naruto just smirked at the irritated Tobirama before sighing, his expression becoming blank as he turned to stare out the window again.

"Hai, Aneki." This also caused Tobirama to calm down. Seeing the change in his brother, Hashirama spoke up, deciding to try explaining the situation a little better.

"Tobi, as Naruto-san explained, the Uzumaki have a variety of sealing techniques that they can use for multiple purposes. One of them is to allow males to copulate with each other normally so as to allow childbirth." Hashirama explained in a more respectable manner, "As to the matter of our marriages, it is to ensure a greater alliance between both of our clans. I am sorry if you are displeased by it, but it is your duty as an heir to the clan to ensure better relations between our two clans."

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