Chapter 6

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After Draco brought her to his room, she forced himself on her kissing her passionately, and Emma kissed back not thinking twice. Draco and Emma slowly started building her tempo when he suddenly started unzipping her dress. She immediately broke from the kiss and gave him an angry look. She got mad and he could see it, she said, "That's all you want, nothing else you just want to be inside me and that's the end of the story isn't it." He immediately started denying and kept pushing himself on to her. 

She finally moved away from him and he asked her what the heck happened. She said "that's it we are over and all of this is." When she was leaving he agreed that that's all he wanted and just wanted to feel her and gave her a smirk. She ignored and left his room crying.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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