Stuck on the side(james)

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basil stepped out of her car and open the bakc grabbing her camp set up. deciding this weekend away was a good idea.
in the distance she hears the mumbels of swears .
she grabs her bag and walks towards the sound to find a small car stuck just off the road and two tall males beside bickering
"You two need a hand there?"
she pipped up catching the eyes of both men.
"Oh thank goodness i thought wed be stuck here forever! This is why i dont let you drive james" the man said the the other or james.
"Im oliver this is my idoitic brother James. we would absolrely love some help please"oliver said walking over.
He was kind faced and shook the young ladies hand being about a half a foot taller then her

"well i got a tow piece of my car. im Basil"she said going over and shaking james hand. seeing how much kinder and softer his eyes.

"Well thank goodness for angels like you" he gave her a flashy smile and winked in a more funny tone.

she blushes lightly
"i suppose so. so whater you two doing all the way out here?"
"Vacation. were...always working and we needed a break"
"Ah i seeeee"

a small while later she was towing the boys car out of the mud and roots of the side road and she walked bakc unhooking them

"Thank you so much for helping us! where are you staying?"Oliver asked glancing over at his far better looking twin giving a knowing smirk.

jamea blushes lightly recalling there earlier conversation.

"just dowm the path! onky place i could get roung here!" she smiled leaning agienst the door arms proped agienst the window sill.

"Well we hapoend to have a third bed if you want a less..flourist place to stay. i know there are bears out here"
Oliver pipped up hears the almost unheard squeaks from.his brother.
"Really?you two sure i mean you bearley know me...i could be a murderer!"she laughed

james chuckeld alomge"The more the marrier darling"his accent slipping off his lips.

she blushed lightly at the sound
"Well i dont recall fred and george being forest murderers but alright. il follow you both"

james eyes widened at her 'she knew? '

"Ah so you do know us!"
oliver smiled and nudged his brother with his foot
"Whos your favroit?"
he asked messing his hair with a gleaming smile
"Oh now that is a question i wont awnsere just yet. and belive me your faces are unforgettable."
she giggels

james felt hinself shiver with goosbumps

she got in her car and followed the boys just behind making it to the small Cottage inn not 20 minutes later.

during the drive she glanced up every so often peering into the boys bakc window to see them talking

amidst the boys
"James come on im doing you a favor!"
"we bearley know her and i know for a fact we only have 2 beds"james barked at his brothe.r he didnt like the thought of lying to such a woman like basil.though he had to admit his brothers plan quite smart.

"Well im not mind reader james but you fancy her!sheil have to share a bed with you anyway so youl get to know eachother"

james rolled his eyes and leaned back in his seat looking in the rear view mirror at her through the windows of her car. she was deffinitly a sight for sore eyes.

finnaly theyd all parked and basil caught up rushing between the two boys.

"Thanks for letting me stay with you. you didnt need to do this"

she commented looking like a ball of sugar fueld cuteness.ecleast to james eyes.

"Its no problem really youv helped us out a bunch. theres no tow company for miles wed of never gotten here in time!"
oliver smiled and stepped in as the youngest of the two and basil stayed out

"Freds my favroit"basil smiled

"Really?" james asked feelimg his cheeks heat up.

"Yeah always has been . gotta admit seeing you without the ginger is diffrent..but..its cute"she looked down blushing.

oliver stepped out with a fake worried look splashed om his face
"So change of plans we only have two beds. and im not sharing with cuddler over there" oliver says as he points to james

the heat filled both james and basils cheeks as they looked at eachother.

"Im alright with sharing if she is"

"im good with it"it nightime by now.

the boys had treated basil to dinner and laughed the whole evenning through.
theyd come back into there small cottage and oliver went to his room chuckling and giving a sly wink to his brother

james blushed as he stepped in.
the bed was deffinitly big enough for the two of them. but his brother had a point of mentioning his love for cuddels .

basil went to the restroom and changed into a nightgown the fell just below her knees.

james stared at her and changed not caring for her seeing his chest.

basil stared at his chest without notice of him.
she blushed turning away hearing his pants unzip

"Im done..lucky for you i broght pj pants!" he chuckeld

"Yknow if its uncomfy i can sleep on the couch " he said turning seeing her red cheeks.

"No no its ok. I dont mind James.."she walks over slipping off her socks and slipped under the covers
"thank you again"

"Its no problem by any sight basil" he layed next to her slipping under his side of the covers.

he faced her and smiled seeing her so calm , her face across his . he moves his hand across and gently slipping it around her waist, her eyes widened staring at him.
"Sorry i..i just um.."

"Hey its ok..your brother did say you like cuddels" she giggels and moved close letting hin pull her close into his chest.

she smiled and nuzzels her face in his chest inhaling the smell of cedar and vinnila.

he rubbed her back gently in circals and let there legs entagle

she looked up at him seeing him already looking down.
james smiled and lifted her chin letting there lips connect
she froze at first letting herself sink into the wamrth of his lips

i want to explain by the way id seen an idea similer to this. i dont want to make the author mad as im not trying to copy thier work and now i cannot find the book.
If you do know the author of the original please send me there account name.
I loved there work and wrote this  as my own sort of version.
Please if you find the original please go give lots of love to the author.

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