Bin sighed heavily. He knew that time would eventually come but he has been ready ever since the day he left her. He needed to tell the truth because she deserves to know it even if it took 15 years for it to be revealed.

He opened his hand and looked at the objects that were laid in his palms. It was the navy handkerchief that Ye Jin gave the driver of the black SUV tgatvbrought her to the airport the night she said goodbye to her life in Seoul. Still enclosed in it were Ye Jin's letter, and the golden necklace with a Carnation flower pendant that he gave her when Ye Jin got an offer to study in London.

"I've been ready ever since the day you gave me the note, the necklace, and the handkerchief. I didn't actually think that I'd be able to tell her my reason one day."

It was Seo Joon who drove Ye Jin to the airport 15 years ago. At that time, he didn't know what was happening but he followed the instructions that Bin wrote in a post it that he left on the refrigerator before leaving their shared apartment.

When Ye Jin calls, please answer her immediately. Take her where she wants to go and do as she says.

"It won't be easy and there is a high possibility that she won't be able to forgive you but the important thing is that when you come face to face with her, show her your sincerity and gain her trust slowly but surely. Tell her the reason why you came down to that decision. You can do it, Hyung."

The gentlemen stayed in silence while looking down on the busy streets of Seoul. The engineer's nerves were far from relaxed but a boost from his best friend somehow helped in managing his anxiety.

On another part of the world, the chairwoman of YSH Global has just finished inaugurating the Amsterdam Headquarters. YSH Global Board Members, business tycoons and members of the élite were present in the opening of YSH Amsterdam.

The heads for every department in the Amsterdam Headquartes were introduced to the crowd. A turn over ceremony was also held to solidify the trust given to the head of YSH Amsterdam.

Handshakes and greeting were exchanged. Wine and cocktails were served. Performances and speeches were made.

It was almost 8 in the evening in Amsterdam when the day's activities came to an end. Stepping into her office, the chairwoman saw a familiar bouquet was placed neatly on the table. She actually half expected the bouquet because for the last 15 years, this same bouquet never misses her birthday, valentine's day, christmas, and every milestone in her career may it be a new business venture or an opening of a building like today.

Ye Jin made her towards the table. The bouquet was a beautiful arrangement of tulips, white orchids, and carnations. For the past one and half decade, she has learned the meaning of these flowers. The carnations mean 'I'm proud of you'. The tulips mean 'You're my one and only'. The white orchids mean 'I'm sorry.'

She didn't dwell much on the meanings on the flowers but why would the sender of the flowers apologize to her. For 15 years no less.

The chairwoman settled on the swivel chair. After the meticulous planning and preparation for the opening, they finally achieved their desired outcome. She always felt elated knowing that the hard work of everyone paid off really well.

Ye Jin was deep in thought when her phone rang. Snapping out of her reverie, she answered the call knowing who it was. She has been waiting for that call. She stood up and went near the floor length windows of the office.

"Miss, the situation is still under observation but it seems that the Chinese government is not going to rest 'til they get what they want."

She knew something like this would happen. She was suspicious of the Chinese government because what was their reason for waiting too long.

"What are the updates from the men inside?"

"They seem to be preparing to strike the South anytime. The officials feel that they lost a great trade deal when the unification in the Korean peninsula took place. If the situation escalates, the Jaguar may need to intervene."

Chills went down the chairwoman's spine. She closed her eyes taking in the words uttered by the person on the other end of the call. It was something that she doesn't want to take place. Summoning the Jaguar means that a storm will homeland. Though the Jaguar is very powerful having political and diplomatic immunity in 90 countries, many despise her for her righteousness.

She paved way for the unification of the two regions of the Korean peninsula not so long ago. To get on the good side of the Jaguar means that you may not be harmed. Only the brave and cunning will even attempt. Her identity is hidden to common people but government officials, business tycoons, and members of the élite know her.

"Update me on the situation Major Kim and update your wife on your whereabouts."

"Ye Jin-ah, I heard about the reunion. Will you be okay?"

The chairwoman's expression changed. She still wasn't sure why she made such a decision but she settled with the fact that it will be an interesting holiday season.

"I'll be fine. I can handle myself and besides we went to I'm a skilled fighter no one will be able to harm me."

"I'm not talking about physical harm. I'm asking if your heart will be fine."

"Jung Hyun-ah, you and your wife are really meant to be. I'll be fine. Thank you for asking. You should go ahead and call your wife and children. She'll beat me up she knows that your regularly updating your boss but she doesn't receive any message. Update me when something happens. Goodbye, Major Kim."

"Goodbye, Chairwoman Son."

The call ended. The chairwoman placed her phone on her table before settling on the swivel chair.

These greedy, good for nothing politicians are giving me a headache. I don't know what game they're playing but one thing is for sure I need to be prepared when this tidal wave crashes into the shore.

The world really isn't my friend right now. I have to deal with this and in a three weeks I'll be dealing with my ex boyfriend who happens to be the love of my life and the only one that I have ever love - wait. Son Ye Jin, what are you even saying? Love my ass. The man hurt you darling. I must have gone crazy saying all these things. Aish Son Ye Jin, get a grip.

Chapter 👌 is done. Yeyyy Thank you for all your wonderful feedback.

I'm introducing more and more characters. I hope you won't get confused.

I'm sorry to inform you that I think I won't be able to update 'til next weekend because we'll be having midterm examinations.

See you next update

Have a good night and stay safe.

P.S. Do you have any guess who is Jaguar?

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