chapter 7

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Zero and LJ where hanging out for a little while. They enjoyed each other's company. Zero actually liked LJ a bit but he's gay so yeah. Zero liked someone else now but who?
"Did you know I like someone?" Zero asked.
LJ looked at her.
"Who?" He said in a high pitched voice. "I mean you don't have to tell me if you don't want to,"
Zero went quiet.
"It's kinda stupid since she's Asexual," Zero mumbled, blushing a bit.
LJ was shocked. She has a crush on his sister.
"Wait, what?"
Zero rolled her eyes.
"She's my type, okay," Zero groaned. "She's an idiot, a bitch, an annoying piece of shit but I like her."
"She's asexual," LJ replied.
"I don't care, I'll go tell her I love her now!" Zero exclaimed, getting up, booming with confidence.
Two minutes later she came back, looking sad.
"What happened?" LJ asked, smiling meanly.
Zero scowled at him.
"She," Zero sulked.
LJ laughed but then stopped when he saw Zero looking annoyed.
"I told you," LJ said grinning.
After a bit of silence, EJ walked in.
Laughing Jack's 'EJ's around sensors' pricked. He turned around and and saw EJ smiling, and walking towards him.
"KIDNEY PIE!" Jack yelled.
"JACKIE BEAR!" EJ yelled.
The two hugged, LJ squeezing him so tight the small EJ could burst any second.
LJ gave EJ a huge kiss on his lips and started to change kiss positions and viscously kissed his neck and cheeks.
EJ giggled, immensely.
"HaHaHa, stop it, HaHaHaHaHa!" EJ chuckled, trying to push away the crazy other. LJ stopped looking disappointed.
Zero laughed, blushing a bit. LJ turned to her.
"What?" He asked.
Zero got her breath back.
"You...You two are so cute together I just can't!" Zero squeaked. "The names are adorable!"

The three then chatted for a bit longer until Sally joined in. She was in her PJ's and held a Teddy Bear in her left hand, the Teddy Bear having one eye, one left hand and no legs. She cuddled up on LJ's lap for a bit.
LJ loved Sally so much. She was honestly the best child (Sorry Lazari and LuLu).
She was the only child LJ met that wasn't sassy, rude, bossy, spoiled or bitchy.
She was such a good child.

Hope this chapter woz kinda cute UwU

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