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unknown: you have one month to get your mother's debt paid.

Changbin sighs.

"I haven't even made half the money." The boy sits up and hops out of bed.

"Son! I'm going on a business trip don't stay out of the house for too long." He hears his dad shouts.

"Alright dad!" He responds back, "Some alone time, finally."



hyunjin: hyung!

changbin: hmm?

hyunjin: lets hang out today :)

changbin: i have to head to work today ;(

hyunjin: aww

changbin: i get off at 2pm?

hyunjin: then can we hang out after??

changbin: sure!

hyunjin: yayy

Changbin smiles at his phone before putting it back into his pocket, "I should get ready." He says and gets ready for work.
"hey bin." Changbin looks up to see Felix.

"How was it at seungmins?" Changbin wiggles his eyebrows.

"Shut up!" Felix nudges the older, " how did you even know I was there?"

"I was at his house idiot." He tells the boy.

"Oh." Felix says before the two start walking into the bakery and getting ready in the break room.

"Hyung can you work the cashier today? I have to bake some things today for a birthday party." Felix asks while the two stand by each other in the break room.

"Sure!" He says and the two head out to see the customers, "woah." Changbin says before walking up to the first customer and smiling, "Hello how may I take your order?" He says to the boy standing in front of him.

"Could I get two iced americanos?" Changbin nods and puts the order in, "that will be 10 dollars!" He says holding out his hand, the boy hands him a card, "thank you!" He says and swipes the card before handing it back, "your drinks will be over there." Changbin gestures his hands to the other side of the counter where a tray was that held all the drinks.

"Thanks." The boy says.

"Next customer please!" Changbin says.
Changbin and Felix both sit in the break room, "that was tiring." Felix said while resting his head on the table.

"Luckily I didn't deal with any mean customers today." Changbin replies drawing circles on the table with his fingers.

"We need one of you guys back out there!" A girl pops her head into the room.

last breath.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora