The best year of my life

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Hello everyone this is my very first chapter and this is a Mpreg so if you don't like it don't read it I guess this is a Warning if don't like this stuff and I guess a High School AU so hope you enjoy this

Tonys POV

It all started when I met Steve Rogers he was the popular quarterback and he was tall with blond hair and to be honest I had a big crush on him but I knew he would never like me because I was a nerd with glasses and just likes making stuff you know what I normally do at home but what I didn't know was that I would end up having a family with Steve Rogers and it all started at Bucky's part that Steve invited me to

At lunch
Tony: hey Bruce what ate you doing

Bruce: oh nothing just finishing up some homework that I had from today

Tony: * not paying attention at all just staring at Steve *

Bruce: ummm tony what are you looking at

Tony: hu what nothing

Bruce: your where staring at Steve again

Tony: no

Bruce: yes

Tony: no

Bruce: no

Tony: yes * face goes red after he released what he just did*

Bruce: hahah got you just go talk to him

Tony: no I can't he's to hot and I'm scared to omg he's coming over

Steve's POV

Bucky: hey Steve I'm having that party on Saturday you should invite tony I know you like him

Steve: who said that I like him

Bucky: come on punk he look at him ever chance you got

Steve: ok fine I like him and fine I guess I will invite him where are the others at

Bucky: Nat is getting food Thor had to get his brother Sam is sick and who knows where Clint is

Steve: ok I'm going to invite him

Tony's POV

Steve: hey tony hey Bruce

Tony: hey Steve

Bruce: hey

Steve: hey so I was wondering if you would like to come to Buckys party on Saturday all are football friends will be there you can bring Bruce if you want it would be fun

Tony: ok I guess I mean you have been nice and Bucky and others have been to

Steve: great so see you Saturday

Tony: ya see you there

Steve: *walks back to the table*

Bruce: so we are going

Tony: yes we are it will be fun

At the party

Still Tony's POV

Ok so this is a fun party I started drinking and so had Steve and will you will never guess what happened we did the dirty you know what I am talking about

Tony's real POV

Tony: * vomiting for the 100th time on two months *

Tony's mom: tony are you ok you have been sick for two months

Tony: mom i want to go to the doctors

Tony's mom: ok sweetheart let's go

At the doctors and doing a ultrasound

The doctor: well tony it looks like your pregnant

Tony: what how

Doctor: have you been with someone before this happened

Tony: * thinking then released Steve is the dad and looks down* yes I was at a party and go drunk and had sex with my crush I'm sorry mom

Tony's mom: it's ok sweetheart

Doctors: ok well it looks like your are two months pregnant and your due date is September 14th

Tony: ok thank you

Next day at school

Bruce: wow tony you will have to tell Steve

Tony: I know I'm just so scared too

Steve: scared to do what

Tony: Steve I need to talk to you in the bathroom

Steve: ok

In the bathroom

Tony: ok Steve I don't know how to tell you this but I'm pregnant with your baby and I really like you

Steve: really * smiles *

Tony: yes I know you hate me now I will go

Steve: no tony I like you too I want to be with you and * gets on his knees to Tony's belly and kisses it * and with this one

Tony: * blush's * so you don't mind me being pregnant and all you really want to be with me

Steve: * gets up and kisses tony on the lips * yes I do I love you and this one already would you be my boyfriend tony

Tony: yes

And so that's what happened me and Steve got together and I got bullied for being pregnant at age 16 but me and Steve got through it and I gave birth to Peter Rogers on September 17th 2019 and me and Steve are doing great we are seniors in high school and Steve is still on the football team I have never been happier then I am now I have both of them so much I guess this is was the best year of my life

A/N hello guys again i hope you liked this book I made this up on my own again make a request if you want I will do what ever as long as it's not smut comment like or and enjoy see you next time- Ariana
PS. I know you guys are reading this so please let me know what you want also do you want me to make a part two of this please let me know I'm lonely and need something to do with my life my mom had surgery a few days ago and she is having me do everything for her so I need something interesting to do give me some PLEASE and tell your friends

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