noticing my cheerful demeanor, they reluctantly shook hands, adding extra force into their grip. "so shinsou! how do you know ms angel over here?" the cashier asked as he started to ring up my purchase.

mentioned boy slid behind me and pulled me into a secure back hug, "isn't it obvious? she's my girlfriend."

i could feel the protective nature in him and smirked, he's jealous. patting his arm around my neck, i looked back and forth between the boy behind me and the boy behind the counter. chuckling i tried to diffuse the tension, "okay boys, are you done trying to assert your dominance yet? if not, take some time later and fight amongst yourselves boys~"

grabbing my candies and dragging shinsou by his wrist, i headed toward the door, "see you later (l/n)~!!! i'll miss you~~~" saeyoung called out as the door opened in front of us.

the purple boy raised two fingers and pointed out his eyes then jabbed toward the redhead's eyes. "i'm watching you."

while still pulling him out, i turned back and gave him a small wave, "see ya saeyoung!"

we left the store and i interlaced my fingers with the taller boy's, noticing his still annoyed and tense mood. "aww, come on toshi. you know that you're the only one who has my heart!" with a wink, i smiled and leaned a bit onto his shoulder to get him to loosen up.

his mood lightened up and he squeezed my hand reassuringly, "come on, let's go somewhere." we walked down the sidewalk, and approached a park that i had never visited before.

upon entering the park, it looked rather empty, lacking the usual playground structure in the other parks i've seen. nevertheless, there was some charming appeal to the park, possibly because it was so quiet and calming.

"close your eyes." shinsou directed me and i halted a bit, tilting my head in confusion. "trust me babe." with a smile at the pet name, i closed my eyes and let him cover them with his own hand.

hands on my shoulder, he gently guided me forward and we continued down the pathway. then suddenly, i stumbled off of the concrete and landed on what i thought was grass. "thanks for the warning babe." he chuckled a bit and continued to push me forward, until we stopped after a bit.

i felt his warm breath by my left ear, "keep your eyes closed, i'll be right back." uncertainly, i nodded and felt his presence leave me, and i listened carefully to my surroundings. i could hear the leave rustling in the trees nearby, and smelled several different fragrances in the air. carefully, a couple strands of my hair were pushed behind my ear and i felt something placed by my ear. "you look beautiful (y/n)."

slowly, i opened my eyes and smiled upon my favorite purple boy leaning down in front of me. lightly, i brushed my ear and felt a flower that he must've stuck behind it. "oh! wait right here then!" we were in the middle of a wildflower field that had many different types of flowers within it. i scanned the field and bounded over to the perfect flower, and i picked some purple lavender flowers carefully. i swiftly intertwined the flowers and made a mini flower crown, and went back to the mindcontroller to place the crown onto his messy hair. softly, i fixed his hair to look better with the crown and lightly pulled out some strands of hair at the same time. "now you look beautiful toshi!"

"beautiful? you certainly take the cake on that matter." he flirted, and lightly kissed the tip of my nose.

blushing, i waved my hand in embarrassment, "okay okay, shush. oh let's take pictures!!" i slid out my phone from my skirt pocket and the boy wrapped his arms around my neck/shoulder area. "can you take it?" he quirked an eyebrow at me and i continued on, "you have longer arms...."

3 am. - bnha shinsou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now