Ex friends and girlfriends

Start from the beginning

"W-what I do?" You ask?

"Just get out" he says.

"Finn, tell me" You say almost yelling.

"Stop..and just get out" Finn says.

"Finn tell ME" you say.


"Finn I-" you started but Finn cuts you off.

"JUST get out.." Finn says.

At this point you were crying, Almost sobbing.

"Ok" you say while crying and leaving the room.

You go to your room, close the room and fall to the ground crying. Then millie walks in.

"Hey Mariah, we are watching a movie wanna co- Holy shit Mariah whats wrong!" Millie says worrying.

You break down in her arms explaining everything that happened and that you like him and Wyatt but Wyatt asked you out first.

"Don't worry Mariah, you'll be ok I promise.." Millie says quietly.

"He won't talk to me millie" you say while sobbing in her arms.

"He will, just let him calm down" millie states.

"Ok.." you say quietly.

You fell asleep in millies arms on the bed and she fell asleep with you. Then Ellie walked in, millie explains everything that happened and then fell asleep with you with her arms wrapped around you.

Finn pov

Its been a few hours since I yelled at Mariah, you felt bad but you had to let it out one day.
You were still mad at her for giving her everything, then dating your best friend. You couldn't do it anymore so you got up started walking to Mariahs room to unfriend her, (he wasn't thinking btw) you walk in her room and see Ellies arms wrapped around Mariah, Millie on her phone and Mariahs head on Millies stomach, you notice Mariahs eyes red. Millie notices you, you notice she's mad at you because of what you did to Mariah and mouths

"Get out" while pointing to the door.

You frown and walk out the door, walking to your room. When you get to your room you lock your door and flop on your bed slowly crying yourself to sleep.

Mariah pov

You wake up, barely opening your eyes and millie notices.

"Hey, how you holding up?" Millie asks.

"Never better" you say while getting up, heading to the bathroom.

*knock knock*

You open the door and see Wyatt

"Hey, babe wanna go out to eat something?" Wyatt asks.

"Sure" you say softly.

You go to your room and get ready, you walk out and go to the car with Wyatt heading to get ice cream. We walk inside and Wyatt started to panic, you don't know why so you ask..

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"I-uhh my- uhh" Wyatt tries to finish but he is panicking to much.

"Woah woah woah calm down" you say.

You catch your eye on a girl walking up to us, you give Wyatt a look and he gulps.

"Hey wy wy" some girl says hugging Wyatt.

"Who is she?" I ask Wyatt.

"My- uhh ex girlfriend" Wyatt says.

Then You start to catch up on why Wyatt was panicking, it was because his ex girlfriend is here.

"Me and Wyatt go way back, I'm Michelle and you are?" Michelle asks.

"I'm Mariah, Wyatts girlfriend" you say.

"He could of done way better" Michelle says under her breath.

"Excuse me?!" You say.

"I said he could of done better hoebag, what are u gonna do about it huh?" Michelle says while getting up in your face.

*you slap her, like rlly hard*

She holds her face

"Woah woah woah babe- let's just go" Wyatt says.

"Whatever" you say while leaving with Wyatt.

As you are leaving you hear Michelle say



You turn around then say

"you should really start looking in the mirror and really ask who's the slut"

"Ugh" Michelle says

You get in the car

"Look Mariah-" he starts but you cut him off.

"Why were you so nervous around her?" You ask?

"W-what?" Wyatt says.

"You heard me" you said.

"I mean she's my ex and I don't like being around my ex's" Wyatt claims.

"Let's just go home" you say.

"Whatever you want babe" Wyatt says.

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